Monday, 10 October 2005

Masters Day Four

Last day of masters on the track and my chance to excel. And at last some fine weather although the breeze still hampers attempts to round the top bend. Anne sets her third ACT W70 record; Roger runs his squillianth event (only two events for him today; the pentathlon and the 5000); Michael Leahey runs his first race and gains silver in the M50 5000 (an excellent run).

After praising the organisers yesterday, I must say today that the organisation of the lap scorers for the 5k was woeful in the extreme; can't have everything done well I suppose.

For years I have been looking forward to my first run on Santos Stadium, as it is right next door to where I lived in Mile End from 1948 until 1969, and I think after today I can only say that I am still looking forward to my first run at Santos Stadium. I lined up for the M55 5000, the gun fired, away we went, I ran the first ten meters, and my left calf tore. The only other highlight for me was being taken in a wheelchair all the way around the track in front of the stand while the race continued for everyone else. (But please just tell my non-friends I was first to finish.) Fortunately the tear was very mild and should repair in a few days with proper treatment; "just a flesh wound" says Jenny (ha ha.), but it is enough for me to officially DNS the other races I have entered and come home early.

Summary of the 2005 Australian Masters - low standards with only a couple of exceptions; few interstate entrants; enthusiastic locals and a good venue; and lovely city, the best in Australia.

See you Thursday at training then!