Matthew and son

Too fast for the photographer...
Team Moore people in the CTFR -
72 David Webster 37.58
118 Bob Harlow 40.15
131 Geoff Moore 40.41
135 Jenny Langton 40.53
152 John Kennedy 41.25
161 Gary Bowen 41.43
203 Maria O’Reilly 42.53 1st W50
235 Ken Eynon 43.33
249 Charlie McCormack 43.47
256 Katie Forestier 44.03
257 Ewen Thompson 44.03
290 Michelle Wells 44.50
340 Carolyne Kramar 45.30
346 Cathy Newman 45.40
373 Alan Duus 46.15
391 Cathy Montalto 46.30
398 John Alcock 46.37
400 Peter Hogan 46.38
457 Charmaine Knobel 47.35
459 Mick Charlton 47.36
475 John Stoney 47.54
662 Caroline Campbell 50.40 1st W60
754 Christopher Lang 52.39
773 Maureen Rossiter 52.55
774 Gabrielle Brown 52.55
776 Neil Boden 52.58
799 Ruth Baussman 53.23
841 Graeme Small 54.10
888 Angelo Cataldo 54.59
The Team Moore team we entered ran 2:46.10 (Geoff 40.41, Jenny 40.53, Gary 41.43, Maria 42.53) which wins the athletic clubs team division by 0:43.10. But in today’s results it seems our team was coded into the family division, and given a win there. Nice thought, but it deprives “Wilson” of a win. Not to mention depriving Maria of a certificate. I have sent the CT an email about it.
If I missed you in the results it's unintentional. Please let me know who's missing and I will update the list. I have only looked as far as the first thousand so please submit times from further back as well. Corrections too.
Meanhile read the tips on surging (below). David's a racer and prolific surger. Bob's a pacer and a non-surger. I'm a pacer and a bit of a surger too. We are all different, which makes racing quite exciting. If only I could hang on to Bob, I can out sprint him. If I could hang on to David, who knows?