Thursday, 18 August 2005

Form Principle #10

“Be content with your unique style.”

Ultimately style is individual. Yours is instantly recognisable – if someone who knows you, sees you in the distance running, they will recognise you straight away. (I recognise the runner but I don’t always remember the name! That’s my right brain working well, my left brain lagging behind).

Just as we all have different styles, we all have our own strengths and weaknesses. I say develop your strengths. We can still work on some less strong areas, but let’s turn our real strengths to our advantage.

Develop your natural style - run like you could run as a child – if your style has become restricted and limited through injury, illness, accident, or age, develop ways of overcoming these limits through exercises which strengthen, stretch, mobilise, and return you to the way you were born to run. Such limits aside, you will find that small changes in style are possible but not big ones. Your silhouette will still look like you. “Know Yourself” – realise what it is about your style which is good and develop those strengths you have.

Are we contradicting principle 9? Maybe, but to tell the truth, running style is a very individual thing.

Form Principle #10 - Be content with your unique style.