.... 10 reasons I don't brush my teeth
10. My friends don't do it, why should I ?
9. Don't need to do it...life is just fine without it....
8. I just don't have the time to do it.....
7. It’s so boring....
6. People have to do it every day. It must be addictive, so I avoid it…
5. The temperature in the bathroom is not comfortable….too hot or too cold….
4. The people that do it think they are better than others.....
3. My parents forced me to do it when I was young.... I resent that......
2. It hurts my elbows, it can’t be good for you…
1. Everyone did it in the ‘70s, it’s just not cool any more.
adapted from http://ppalma.com/Topten%20reasons.htm