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A wonderful result for Lauren – second place and silver medal in the final, and another very fast time.
The winner was Ebony Collins of the USA (as forshadowed below, and see photo); Ebony’s time is unbelievable.
Lauren, you must be very happy when it is not even close, you have run your absolute best, and have won silver!
1 Collins Ebony USA 55.96 (CR)
2 Boden Lauren AUS 58.30
3 Miyahara Aya JPN 59.62
4 Velasco Yisel Regla CUB 59.67
5 Kuzmenko Yekaterina RUS 1:00.29
6 Almouhamad Ghfran SYR 1:01.39
7 Persson Frida SWE 1:01.41
8 Lambarki Hayat MAR 1:01.76