"Have Fun."
Yes running should be enjoyable above everything else. But that's why I have posted a set of working principles here. If you don't do anything crazy and get hurt as a result, you will enjoy running, because it's an awesome feeling knowing that you are growing fitter and healthier, and running is the easiest, most natural way of doing just that. Obsession means HAVING to run every day; HAVING to race all the time to prove yourself. Happiness is seeing the improvement happening despite being pretty laid back about it all.
Principles are not rules. "You have to run 100km per week" is not only a rule; it is arbitrary, and it is quite unfair. It is for the person making the rule, not for the team! "Build up gradually; take your own time gaining fitness" is a principle gleaned from years of experience, with the athlete in mind, not the coach or the fans. Principles are not pieces of arbitrary advice; they are statements about how things work best.
You work at work. You play at play. Running time is playing time.
Try not to take it too seriously.
- Roll with the punches, for example treat injury philosophically.
- Don’t cheat, it’s not that important! For example, you don't need that "extra" from drugs.
- Be in it for the long haul. See the big picture. "There is no finish line!"
I could have listed plenty more, but ten will do. Make your own list; remember the lessons from your own experience. Then you can learn how it works for you.
Training Principle #10. Have fun.