Target Canberra Times Fun Run Sunday 18 September 2005
Assumption A background of long slow distance.
Lead up race Terry Fox 10k Sunday 19 June 2005.
(Or if miss Terry Fox, the Yarralumla 10k Saturday 25 June 2005. The 25 June course is faster, until the last km which is long! The weather could be windy for both. Terry Fox is difficult with its hills and the crowd of joggers/walkers to negotiate at the end.)
Lead up race Veterans Half Marathon Sunday 18 August 2005. (Must be 30yrs old or more!)
Minor races to test fitness – Jogalong 5 June, 3 July, 7 August, 4 September. (Must be female!)
Weeks one to four (Segment one)
Monday 16 May to Sunday 12 June
- build some endurance while adapting to strength training.
Week one
Monday 16 May Hill Sprints run hard (join us at Parliament House)
Tuesday 17 May rest
Wednesday 18 May Time yourself over a course known to be about 5k. It is a time-trial not a race so although you will run it quite quickly, don’t bust a gut. An alternative is 3-5 x 1km timed intervals. Make sure you warm-up and cool-down thoroughly.
Thursday 19 May slow run of 60 up to 90 minutes; build up to it if you need to.
Friday 20 May gym: step-climber machine, optional body pump class. Build up on the stepper to 40 or 45 minutes done quite hard.
Saturday 21 May 60 to 90
Sunday 22 May short (e.g. 3k to 6k) easy (i.e. jog).
If you are training at Dickson on Thursdays with us, you can skip the Wednesday training and just do Thursday’s run on Wednesdays or Tuesdays instead.
If you cannot do the Monday Hill session, have another session at the gym like Friday’s instead.
Week two
Monday 23 May Hill Sprints run hard.
Tuesday 24 May rest
Wednesday 25 May 5k timetrial OR 3-5 x 1km intervals fast. Aim for slightly faster average speed than last time, and run evenly.
Thursday 26 May 60 to 90
Friday 27 May gym: step-climber machine, optional body pump class
Saturday 28 May 60 to 90
Sunday 29 May short easy run
Week three
Monday 30 May hill sprints hard
Tuesday 31 May rest
Wednesday 1 June 5k time-trial OR 3-5 x 1km intervals fast. Aim for slightly faster average speed than last time, and run evenly.
Thursday 2 June 60 to 90
Friday 3 June gym: step-climber machine, optional body pump class
Saturday 4 June 60 to 90
Sunday 5 June easy run
Alternatively if running the jogalong on 5 June, it is appropriate to ease back from the hard training and see what can be achieved!
Thursday 2 June just an easy run
Friday 3 June just an easy run again, or rest. No gym (important!)
Saturday 4 June just an easy run as a warm-up for Sunday
Sunday 5 June race jogalong 6k – go for it – breakthrough time!
Week four
Monday 6 June hill sprints hard
Tuesday 7 June rest
Wednesday 8 June 5k time-trial OR 3-5 x 1km intervals fast. Aim for slightly faster average speed than last time, and run evenly.
Thursday 9 June 60 to 90
Friday 10 June gym: step-climber machine, optional body pump class
Saturday 11 June 60 to 90
Sunday 12 June easy run
Next week, 19th June, is the Terry Fox 10k.
Training WILL be at Parliament House on Monday the 13th at 5:30pm as usual (Queen’s birthday holiday)
Weeks five to eight (Segment two)
Monday 13 June to Sunday 10 July
- focus more on speed. Details published on June 10.
Weeks nine to twelve (Segment three)
Monday 11 July to Sunday 7 August
- focus more on speed-endurance. Details t.b.a.!
Weeks thirteen to sixteen (Segment four)
Monday 8 August to Sunday 4 September
- focus more on race practice. Details t.b.a.!
Weeks seventeen, eighteen (Segment five)
Monday 5 September to Sunday 18 September
- ease right back to peak for the race! Details t.b.a.!