Twenty people turned up for the coldest night yet! After our usual warm-up (loosen-up!) and stretch, we ran three 1km intervals - the first we surged 300 metres then eased back for 100; the second we surged 100 and eased back 100; the third we surged 100 and eased back for 300. I guess you could say we were pleased that runs were not timed.
At least it wasn't raining while we trained; the rain returned an hour later. And the strong (cold) winds of the afternoon had dried out the track from the morning rain.
Four of us did an extra 45 minute run before everyone else arrived. One of those was Trevor, who despite doing 45 minutes easy, stretching, the two 1.1 km warmup laps, taking the group on three easy run-throughs before the kms, wearing tights as insurance against the cold, AND having had a good recovery swim on Tuesday after Monday's hill session, managed to damage his hamstring quite seriously during the first of the kms. "And I wasn't going flat out!". It goes to show - injury can happen to anyone despite taking the greatest care to prevent it.