Wednesday, 4 May 2005

Running Bloggers

There are some really good running blogs on the internet. Many of them are simple on-line journals recording the runner's plans and progress, dreams and achievements, excitement and frustration.
There is a large network of runners interacting and communication via these public weblogs.
You could browse some of them; and many more of you might be tempted to start your own. They are very easy to start up.
If you want to see an excellent example of an active and interesting blog being written by an existing Team-Moore-ese, have a look at the blog belonging to FlashDuck. Not only does she record her thoughts about training and racing, she includes a calendar of events linked to source sites; as well as maps, tables of kilometres run, a list of pbs, and a record of health.
Her enthusiasm is infectious; you will just be swept along.
Well Done FlashDuck!