....and what a climate for distance running! Today was a maximum of 32 degrees, with more to come over the next few days. And although Friday's 10k run will be at 8:30am, I don't think it will make much difference. For a start, it heats up as soon as the sun rises, from an overnight low of just below 20. Secondly there is no daylight saving time here, so in fact it will be like a 9:30am start (and a 10.10 am finish at the most optimistic!). Bring on some cloud cover, at least!
The first thing I did after arriving at my son's place at Griffin last night, was to go outside with a torch and see if I could spot any cane toads. And sure enough, there was one on the lawn next to the wall of the house. Duly dealt with with a shovel.
But today we went for a swim at Mooloolaba, and NOW I know why people want to live here. Perfect beach, wonderful clear water; and WARM!
I guess I will have to run tomorrow though, rather than swimming again. I haven't run since Gundawindi, and that was a very hot 30 minutes lunch time Tuesday.
I figure I will have to get up around 4am on Friday before the 10k, and IF the achilles holds; IF I hydrate properly, IF I get to the track in time to register and check in an hour before the race; IF I don't get intimidated by the quality of the field, IT SHOULD BE GOOD!
Will keep you posted!