Thursday, 27 January 2005

Everyone's Form Guide

The list of Team Moore members (below) contains links to the ACTVAC Form Guide web pages, where applicable. If you open any Form Guide, clicking on an event will open that event; clicking on any other name in that event will open that person's Form Guide; and so on ad infinitum.
These are just the Vets links - the ACT Cross Country Club also publishes form guides for its races.
Some "borderline" cases have been included, some omitted. Anyone else you think should be there, any errors or omissions, please inform me!

Team Moore:
John Alcock
Jennifer Amyx (left Canberra)
Geoff Barker
Ruth Baussmann
Marion Blake
Kerry Boden
Neil Boden
Tony Bond
Tony Booth
Gabrielle Brown
Jill Brown
Annemarie Calnan
Caroline Campbell
Angelo Cataldo
Kevin Chamberlain
Mick Charlton
Mandy Chew
Trevor Cobbold
Cory Collins
Dion Devow
Alan Duus
Ken Eynon
Colin Farlow
Pam Faulks
Rod Gilchrist
Kirsten Gillespie
Ken Gordon
Clare Gunning (left Canberra)
Maria Hancock
Matthew Hardy
Fran Harris
Katrina Hill (left Canberra)
Peter Hogan
Roy Jones
Terri Jones
Charmaine Knobel
Mick Konemann (left Canberra)
Jennifer Krevatin
James Lamech
Tom Lane (left Canberra)
Chris Lang
Jenny Langton
Consie Larmour
Helen Larmour
Michael Leahey
Natalie Leslie
Bill Leydon
Alex Lloyd
Rod Lynch
Peter McDonald
James McMahon
Margaret McSpadden
Neville Madden
Kevin Matthews
Vicki Matthews
Cathy Montalto
Geoff Moore
Cathy Newman
Jim O'Donnell
Maria O’Reilly
Rae Palmer
Sarah Pau
Jill Pearson
Joel Pearson
Toby Pearson
Michael Roche
Maureen Rossiter
Deidre Russack
Michael Rutter
Alice Scott
Alison Sims (left Canberra)
Kathy Sims
Graeme Small
Kathy Southgate
Annette Sugden
Ewen Thompson
Annie van Herck (left Canberra)
Amanda Walker
David Webster
Michelle Wells
Ken White
Philippa White
Kent Williams
Lisa Wilson
Cate Winning
Mike Worsley