Ginninderra parkrun #617 01 February 2025 - speedygeese invasion!
8 Colin FARLOW VM60-64 Speedy Geese 19:53
20 Chris VALZANO SM18-19 20:49
53 Jennifer KELLETT VW65-69 Speedy Geese 23:11
55 Hayley MOORE VW35-39 23:18
71 Clare WALL VW70-74 Speedy Geese 24:09
76 Mark MURPHY VM55-59 ACT Masters Athletics 24:51
84 Paul FOLEY VM35-39 25:10
89 Tracie SCARLETT-ARUNDELL VW55-59 Canberra Runners 25:34
109 Joanna BELCHER VW40-44 26:35
110 Geoff MOORE VM75-79 Speedy Geese 26:38
111 Brendan BELCHER VM40-44 26:39
131 Cathy NEWMAN VW60-64 Eager2Elite 27:26
132 Kerron CLARE VW55-59 Elevate Running 27:30
189 Susan STURGEON VW50-54 YMCA of Canberra Runners Club 29:57
190 James O'NEILL VM55-59 Speedy Geese 29:58
192 Emily PARIS VW50-54 Speedy Geese 30:13
208 Sandeep CHANDRA VM50-54 Speedy Geese 30:44
215 Andrew BRAY VM50-54 31:07
219 Celina MILLER VW45-49 Speedy Geese 31:16
222 Kate MURPHY VW55-59 Speedy Geese 31:25
223 Warrick HOWIESON VM50-54 31:25
257 Wendy VALZANO VW55-59 Speedy Geese 32:58
286 Liz MCLARNEN VW65-69 Achilles Running Club Canberra 34:34
287 Peter RALSTON VM75-79 Achilles Running Club Canberra 34:35
317 Chris GAMMON VM65-69 Canberra Runners 36:37
351 Neil HEWITT VM60-64 Speedy Geese 39:15
354 Lisa MCDONALD VW50-54 Speedy Geese 39:31
414 Scott MARSHALL VM60-64 51:54
444 finishers
And volunteering: Julia Murphy, Andrew Walker. 30 speedygeese in all.