Thursday, 31 January 2019

My running streak day 144

Another stinking hot day, windy with it, and another great turn-out at training. Possibly because (a) it is still school holidays in Canberra, and (b) we retire to the new facility at Stromlo after training, The Handlebar. I ran 7k including 6 x 1k runs, the fastest of which was 4:22. Most of the others ran 1k reps too, with variations. Present were Paul McG, Paul Q, Jen, Jennie, Jenny, Brownie, me, Celina, Chloe, Jacob, Kevin, new Michael, Andrew, Annette and of course Isaac.

Still running slowly but will get faster soon.

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

My running streak day 143

Today I jogged 2k to the gym, exercised for an hour, then ran 7k around Lake Ginninderra. Surprisingly, after having a race day rather than an easy day, yesterday, all is well. Hot and humid though, very few people out there today.

Ewen and I, resting on the top of a hill ("The Pimple") on Sunday.

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

My running streak day 142

At last, YCRC races returned, with the first of the weekly Summer Series events at Stromlo Forest Park on this afternoon, meaning that I could join in with that instead of figuring out and trying to get motivated about what run I was going to do. I ran 25:34 for the race, it's a bit over 5k, it includes slow (for me) hills. And humidity was high as well as temperature being at least 33 degrees out there. No shade, either, but at least there was a breeze at times. My km splits varied between 5:05 (+13 elev) to 4:46 (-21 elev). And I had to sprint at the end to hold off a fast finishing Natty B, who had been a long way back at 4k, taking it easy until then.

With a 2k warm-up and a 2k cool-down, that was 9k for the day for me.

Here are some pics from the Mount Ainslie parkrun last Saturday. Taken by Lisa. Thanks Lisa.

speedygeese race results

**The 8-week YCRC Summer Series starts tonight**

Lake Tuggeranong Stakes 6k 22 January
2. Gary Bowen 33:40
3. Peter Thomson 40:47
4. James O'Neill 31:49
5. Sandeep Chandra 36:55
7. Cameron Curry 35:18
8. Roger Pilkington 38:23
11. Carolyne Kramar 43:23
17 finishers

Ginninderra 5k parkrun #350 26 January
50 David BAUSSMANN 25:38 M65
69 Peter THOMSON 27:35 M55
98 Cathy NEWMAN 30:37 W55
109 Ruth BAUSSMANN 31:48 W65
161 Ewen THOMPSON 38:49 M60
235 finishers

Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #311 26 January
3 Jeff GREY 19:05 M55
5 Paul TRUMBLE 20:12 M30
6 David CLARKE 20:28 M60
15 Nigel ENGLAND 21:18 M55
17 Michael SMITH 21:27 M50 **New PB**
26 Scott MARSHALL 22:41 M50
37 James O'NEILL 23:14 M50
50 Shane WRIGHT 24:29 M45
77 Chris GAMMON 26:52 M55
140 Suzie GYE 31:03 W40
165 Ricky SOMERVILLE 33:32 M50
174 Jason LEWIS 35:13 M40
320 finishers

Gungahlin 5k parkrun #280 26 January
2 Stuart DOYLE 18:45 M50
10 Louise SHARP 21:02 W35
30 Geoff MOORE 24:15 M70
37 Gavin MONGAN 24:53 M35
161 Margaret MCSPADDEN 36:24 W70
282 finishers

Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #139 26 January
27 Amanda MCCORMACK 21:36 W35
40 Craig WURTZ 23:15 M50
99 Elizabeth BENNETT 27:23 W55
100 Kelley HORAN 27:27 W55
113 Deborah DAVIS 28:43 W55
157 Jennie BLAKE 32:43 W60
164 Caroline CAMPBELL 33:43 W75
254 Gary BOWEN 51:29 M60
270 finishers

Coombs 5k parkrun #46 26 January
55 George QUARMBY 35:16 M60
78 finishers

Mount Ainslie 5k parkrun #38 26 January
18 Giles LAMB 23:39 M45
40 Sandeep CHANDRA 26:12 M45
43 Andrew BRAY 26:29 M40
46 Lisa MCDONALD 26:59 W40
79 Annette SUGDEN 31:04 W55
83 Catherine MONTALTO 31:38 W65
106 Carolyne KRAMAR 38:23 W50
152 finishers

Queanbeyan 5k parkrun #91 26 January
113 finishers

Goulburn 5k parkrun #52 26 January
76 finishers

Braidwood Showground 5k parkrun #18 26 January
1 Jacob MILLER 19:56 M11
4 Kevin MILLER 22:49 M40
5 Chloe MILLER 23:27 W11
6 Celina MILLER 25:39 W40
55 finishers

Jindabyne 5k parkrun #33 26 January
42 finishers

Batemans Bay 5k parkrun #143 26 January
3 Bernardo PALMA 17:56 M35 **New PB**
15 Ryan HUYNH 21:31 M10 **New PB**
16 Thach HUYNH 21:32 M40 **New PB**
58 Kerron CLARE 28:32 W50
59 Vanessa PALMER 28:40 W45
135 finishers

Orange 5k parkrun #118 26 January
35 William BARLOW 26:40 M35
178 finishers

Nepean River 5k parkrun #119 26 January
57 Andrew SMITH 29:36 M45
178 finishers

Bega 5k parkrun #179 26 January
5 Angus LAMB 21:59 M40 **New PB**
82 finishers

Forest Lake 5k parkrun #47 26 January
55 Bronwyn CALVER 32:04 W45
158 finishers

Albert 5k parkrun, Melbourne #376 26 January
398 Jennifer MAY 33:02 W60
539 finishers

ACTMA Central Curtin 6.3k handicap 27 January
1 Maria O'Reilly W60 35:26
2 Peter Thomson M55 42:51
8 Peter Brown M55 27:27
14 Nigel England M55 28:52
16 Rod Lynch M55 27:24
21 David Baussmann M65 33:02
28 Mick Charlton M65 42:21
30 Nadine Morrison W45 31:49
31 George Quarmby M60 44:22
32 Craig Wurtz M50 33:44
39 Caroline Campbell W75 45:46
40 Jennie Blake W60 44:25
45 Roger Pilkington M60 42:18
47 finishers

ACTMA Central Curtin 3k handicap 27 January
1 Gary Bowen M60 14:02 **gold**
4 Cathy Newman W55 17:37
5 Cathy Montalto W65 16:43
13 Jill Pearson W60 17:18
24 finishers

Louise (10th) and Stuart (2nd) at Gungahlin parkrun

Monday, 28 January 2019

My running streak day 141

Today was Monday and a public holiday (why?) to boot. I jogged 1k early in the day (in case we were washed out later), then did a 7k early run at Parliament House in the afternoon, then was shocked/ surprised/ delighted to greet 21 other runners at Parliament House for Monday training, surely a record by far for a public holiday. We went down to "Court 8" and ran 3 and 2 person relays around the 400m loop which includes the very steep grassy hill. Attending along with me were Gwen, Vanessa H, Michael, Deborah, Giles, Lisa, Kevin, Chloe, Jacob, Celina, Ruth, Jennie, Colin, Jen, George, Annette (still visiting), another Paul (new), Tiffany (new), Rae, and Erica (age 5) who also ran several loops with us, and not slow either! Dave was sighted as well although he did his own thing. A 5k there made it 13k for the day for me.

Some of tonight's crowd. (Thanks Annette/Ruth for the photos)

Sunday, 27 January 2019

My running streak day 140 - week 20.

Today I ran 12.5k at Stromlo Forest Park, watching the Australian Trials for the World Cross Country. That means I ran a total of 63k this week, another improvement.

Here's Jennie running the Burley Griffin parkrun yesterday.

Saturday, 26 January 2019

My running streak day 139 - Australia Day

Not just Australia Day, but, being Saturday, parkrun day.

It was 30 degrees in the morning! Gungahlin parkrun, 30th place, a comfortable 24:15.
Not trying to run hard, what a difference 10 seconds slower than normal per km makes.

And a rest in the shade after the run...

Jenni, Kristy and me.

Total for the morning, 13k.

Friday, 25 January 2019

My running streak day 138

I spent an hour in the gym doing circuit training, and ran 5k mostly in shade on a very hot day. The first 4k was slow due to cramping in my right foot, which I suspect was caused by tight laces. We will see another day.

Here is a photo by Lisa at Handlebar at Stromlo Forest Park, where 14 of us went and relaxed after training Thursday afternoon.

Thursday, 24 January 2019

My running streak day 137

Tonight was training at Stromlo Forest Park, I ran, we had a visit from Annette, and joining us were Brownie, Ruth, Jennie, Lisa, Gwen, Allie, Jen, Isaac, Colin, Kevin, Chloe, Celina and Jacob. The training session was warm-up, 8 x 300 fast with 100 walk intervals, cool-down. Then all but Annette retired to the Handlebar at Stromlo where we enjoyed a drink and each other's company. Definitely a must to be repeated on future Thursdays!

The place to be, not just after cycling, with the best local brews. See yesterday's photo, too.

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

My running streak day 136

Today I spent an hour at the gym doing strengthening and flexibility exercises, and ran 8k while it was 32 to 33 degrees, mostly running in shade. I felt OK.

Tomorrow after Stromlo training I might stop here for a coffee.. it will be open.

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

All the recent speedygeese race results

YCRC Women’s Jogalong 06 January
17. Caroline Campbell 37:29
25. Nadine Morrison 29:29
39. Cathy Montalto 35:48
60 finishers

Lake Tuggeranong Stakes 6k 15 January
1. Gary Bowen 34:44
2. Carolyne Kramar 45:48
3. Roger Pilkington 41:07
4. Peter Thomson 41:21
5. James O'Neill 35:31
6. Cameron Curry 34:19
7. Sandeep Chandra 35:36
18 finishers

Ginninderra 5k parkrun #349 19 January
31 Kevin MILLER 23:10 M40
51 Chloe MILLER 25:10 W11
54 Jane LILLEY 25:17 W45
123 Roger PILKINGTON 30:00 M60
130 Ruth BAUSSMANN 30:38 W65
150 Cathy NEWMAN 32:08 W55
311 finishers

Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #310 19 January
4 Jeff GREY 19:25 M55
7 Peter BROWN 20:17 M55 **New PB**
10 Nigel ENGLAND 20:44 M55
25 Michael SMITH 22:07 M50
56 Shane WRIGHT 24:11 M45
93 Jason LEWIS 26:30 M40
110 Chris GAMMON 27:53 M55
116 Kerron CLARE 28:10 W50
135 Michael THOMPSON 29:09 M50 **New PB**
146 Suzie GYE 29:56 W40
270 Jason ROBERTS 38:48 M40
375 finishers

Gungahlin 5k parkrun #279 19 January
56 Geoff MOORE 23:31 M70
187 Margaret MCSPADDEN 32:36 W70
336 finishers

Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #138 19 January
72 Kelley HORAN 24:43 W55
89 Michael HORAN 25:28 M55
96 Shareen UNDERWOOD 25:42 W35
157 Deborah DAVIS 29:50 W55
159 Jennifer NETHERSOLE 29:52 W45
160 Richard NETHERSOLE 29:54 M35
341 finishers

Coombs 5k parkrun #45 19 January
12 Gavin MONGAN 23:40 M35
19 Yili ZHU 25:36 M55
20 Pieta SMITH 25:41 W45
27 Gary BOWEN 26:25 M60
53 Kirrily SARTORE 30:15 W40
95 finishers

Mount Ainslie 5k parkrun #37 19 January
2 Stuart DOYLE 19:11 M50 **New PB**
15 Louise SHARP 22:04 W35
20 Isaac MUSCAT 23:08 M11
22 Jen BRIGHT 23:12 W40
23 David CLARKE 23:18 M60
42 Sandeep CHANDRA 26:01 M45
57 Annette SUGDEN 28:06 W55
141 Helen WAY 39:29 W50 **New PB**
148 William ARTHUR 40:42 M65
176 finishers

Queanbeyan 5k parkrun #90 19 January
20 Helen NORTHEY 26:41 W40 **New PB**
38 Vanessa PALMER 30:39 W45
52 Bernardo PALMA 33:23 M35
125 finishers

Goulburn 5k parkrun #51 19 January
64 finishers

Braidwood Showground 5k parkrun #17 19 January
29 finishers

Jindabyne 5k parkrun #32 19 January
44 finishers

Bowral 5k parkrun #227 19 January
73 Norma WALLETT 40:34 W85
87 finishers

Batemans Bay 5k parkrun #142 19 January
103 finishers

Wagga 5k parkrun #72 19 January
37 Lisa MCDONALD 25:34 W40
117 finishers

Shellharbour 5k parkrun #242 19 January
119 William BARLOW 31:29 M35
270 finishers

Logan River 5k parkrun #284 19 January
111 Bronwyn CALVER 31:08 W45
284 finishers

Queenstown 5k parkrun #31 19 January
29 Andrew SIMPSON 26:20 M45
52 Jack SIMPSON 31:18 M11
78 finishers

Kowen New Year’s Resolution 12k 20 January
2. Bernardo Palma 56:16
35. Jacob Miller 1:14:58
36. Kevin Miller 1:14:59
49. Kristy Primrose 1:19:44
78. Kerron Clare 1:24:21
95. Gabrielle Brown 1:28:09
123. Shareen Underwood 1:33:19
199. Bill Arthur 2:09:06
214 finishers

Kowen New Year’s Resolution 21.1k 20 January
5. Rowan Lewis 1:44:29
15. Monika Holmwood 1:53:10
19. Paul Trumble 1:56:15
20. Martin Pogson 1:57:06
30. Paul McGeachie 2:04:07
46. Shiree Yap 2:12:31
56. Allie Corripio 2:17:07
59. Amanda McCormack 2:17:59
69. Michael Thompson 2:23:16
85. Chris Gammon 2:27:38
129. Maria O'Reilly 2:47:29
131. Jennifer Kellett 2:48:02
156. Mick Horan 3:09:02
181 finishers

More Kowen pictures

Bill Arthur

Melissa Clarke

Happy faces at the half marathon start

My running streak day 135

In the morning I ran a real recovery run (yesterday's wasn't a recovery run as it turned out). Just 4.2k, one-tenth of a marathon, before the heat arrived. But it means I will have to do a longer run tomorrow.

Here is Vanessa's selfie from yesterday, with distant speedygeese:

Monday, 21 January 2019

My running streak day 134

Another hot day (32 degrees all session) and a reasonable turn-out at Parliament House. We enjoyed 20 minutes of 3 person relays (longer loop), and ten minutes of 2 person relays (shorter loop) mostly in shade with a breeze helping to keep us cool. Participating were Jennie, George, Ruth, Deborah, Vanessa, Lisa, Colin, Paul, Gwen, Michael, Giles, me, and Mick (new), JennyM (new). Earler too I caught up with Warrick (temporarily out of action) with Jess and Vanessa.

My day 134 total distance run = 12.8k

And Kowen trail run was on yesterday .. hundreds of photos on their FB page.




Under the Milky Way

Song of the Week: Under the Milky Way, by The Church, at

Sunday, 20 January 2019

My running streak day 133

I ran with the speedygeese at 7:00am today, a nice hilly run from Stromlo Forest Park.
Distance: 13k for me.

Photo by Ruth (as you can see). I am hiding at the back.

Next Sunday morning at Stromlo are the Australian selection trials for the World Cross Country, I will be there jogging around watching. First event men's 10k, at 7:30am.

Saturday, 19 January 2019

My running streak day 132

Today I ran 11.5k in the morning including the Gungahlin parkrun. My time was 23:31, I will take that as a good run on a humid day, I was sweating even before we started. Signs are that I am getting fitter still, so no reason to change my training routine, not yet anyway.

I would like to revisit the Shellharbour course again one day, it can't be muggier there than it has been here! I see on Strava that William ran Shellharbour today.

Friday, 18 January 2019

My running streak day 131

Earlier today I ran 5.2k, venturing this time onto and around the Belconnen Golf course.

Later in the day I completed a 60 minute gym circuit as well.

Thursday, 17 January 2019

My running streak day 130

Speedygeese training is cancelled this evening, owing to the total file ban, Stromlo Forest Park possibly being closed, and it being predicted to still exceed 40 degrees when training is due to start. So I ran in the morning while it was around 25 degrees, an 8k run through Higgins and Holt.

Here's Helen, running Mount Ainslie parkrun last Saturday.

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

My running streak day 129

Getting up early, for me, to avoid the worst of the heat, I ran 4k before breakfast. Will have to do the same in the days to come. And I also visited the gym later in the morning for an hour of gym work, but made no attempt to run then.

David Clarke

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

All the recent speedygeese race results

Tuggeranong Stakes 6k 08 January
1. Peter Thomson 41:55
3. Carolyne Kramar 46:52
4. Michael Thompson 35:19
5. Cameron Curry 35:15
6. Sandeep Chandra 35:17
10. Gary Bowen 31:44
13. Nicole Bruce 42:00
15. Ricky Somerville 40:57
19 finishers

AMRA Mt Ainslie 2.3k run-up 08 January
4 Peter Brown 15.42
6 Michael Smith 18.04
5 Louise Sharp 17.20
8 Pieta Smith 18.45
9 Bron Sparkes 20.51
11 Caroline Campbell 24.39
13 Rae Palmer 25.44
18 finishers

Customs 5k handicap 11 January
1 Peter Thomson 32:14
8 Carolyne Kramar 35:26
17 Gary Bowen 28:43
18 Caroline Campbell 36:14
21 James O'Neill 31:05
22 finishers

Ginninderra 5k parkrun #348 12 January
18 Nigel ENGLAND 21:19 M55
46 Kevin MILLER 23:36 M40
60 Jane LILLEY 24:36 W45
85 Roger PILKINGTON 26:14 M60
86 Celina MILLER 26:18 W40
141 Ruth BAUSSMANN 30:13 W65
182 Chloe MILLER 31:49 W11
183 Eliza LILLEY 31:49 W11
279 Cathy NEWMAN 43:43 W55
359 finishers

Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #309 12 January
13 David CLARKE 20:06 M60
27 Michael SMITH 21:55 M50
166 Ricky SOMERVILLE 30:01 M50
187 Michael THOMPSON 31:42 M50
289 Suzie GYE 40:51 W40
375 finishers

Gungahlin 5k parkrun #278 12 January
41 Nadine MORRISON 22:47 W45
101 Gary BOWEN 26:12 M60
105 Geoff MOORE 26:26 M70
372 finishers

Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #137 12 January
10 Jen BRIGHT 19:21 W40 **New PB**
11 Isaac MUSCAT 19:22 M11
41 Amanda MCCORMACK 22:08 W35
46 Craig WURTZ 22:29 M50
106 Shareen UNDERWOOD 26:09 W35
156 Elizabeth BENNETT 28:32 W55
157 Kelley HORAN 28:32 W55
158 Michael HORAN 28:33 M55
163 George QUARMBY 28:53 M60
179 Jennie BLAKE 29:53 W60
187 Caroline CAMPBELL 30:10 W75
397 finishers

Coombs 5k parkrun #44 12 January
1 Jacob GROOBY 17:25 M30
16 Pieta SMITH 25:34 W45
47 Andrew SMITH 34:17 M45
73 finishers

Mount Ainslie 5k parkrun #36 12 January
39 Sandeep CHANDRA 24:50 M45
57 Lisa MCDONALD 26:25 W40 **New PB**
102 Peter THOMSON 30:26 M55
108 William ARTHUR 31:15 M65
161 Helen WAY 40:53 W50
194 finishers

Queanbeyan 5k parkrun #89 12 January
2 Bernardo PALMA 18:43 M35
18 Gavin MONGAN 23:37 M35
37 David BAUSSMANN 25:47 M65
50 Vanessa PALMER 30:50 W45
82 Justine CAINES 37:56 W45
97 Deborah DAVIS 40:32 W55
129 finishers

Goulburn 5k parkrun #50 12 January
14 Chris GAMMON 22:00 M55
15 Scott MARSHALL 22:16 M50
83 finishers

Braidwood Showground 5k parkrun #16 12 January
26 finishers

Jindabyne 5k parkrun #31 12 January
39 finishers

Bowral 5k parkrun #226 12 January
66 Norma WALLETT 38:19 W85
78 finishers

Batemans Bay 5k parkrun #141 12 January
40 Cameron CURRY 25:34 M35
144 finishers

Wagga 5k parkrun #71 12 January
66 Margaret MCSPADDEN 34:12 W70
67 Carolyne KRAMAR 34:22 W50
123 finishers

Meadowbrook 5k parkrun #125 12 January
73 Bronwyn CALVER 37:22 W45
135 finishers

Queens Domain 5k parkrun #53 12 January
21 Giles LAMB 23:12 M45
180 finishers

Hobart Marathon 13 January
Giles Lamb 4:02.16

Last night's training group (minus Michael who had left).

My running streak day 128

I felt OK in the heat this morning expect for the last 9k. Total: 9k. Running at 6 mins per k.

Monday, 14 January 2019

My running streak day 127

At Parliament House, speedygeese training, I ran a preliminary 5k feeling weary in the heat, 1k loops, then with Lisa McD, George Q, Jenni B, Michael S, Ruth B, Vanessa P, and Richard McC, another 6k, 1k loops, feeling much better even though the temperature had not fallen any. 11k for the day.

There are so many speedygeese now with all our new participants, many of the Sunday ones I haven't even met, I am resorting to surname initials as you can see.

See, more geese, at yesterday's run.

Sunday, 13 January 2019

My running streak day 126

Thus endeth 18 weeks, I am not sure how much further the streak will go as I am contemplating a visit to a physio and he might just prescribe rest. Anyway, today was a 12k run at Stromlo Forest Park and it took until about the 7th km to start feeling OK.

No-one else at Stromlo this morning, other than friendly strangers. Here are pictures from this morning's speedygeese run down south.

Saturday, 12 January 2019

My running streak day 125

Saturday morning another Gungahlin parkrun day, I felt I needed to conserve energy (still!) so I jogged it in 26 something, totalling only 6k for the day. Conserving energy = ensuring I can keep running even on the very hot days promised later this week.

Speaking of running hot, Lisa's souvenir of another parkrun PB:

Mount Ainslie / cycling / coffee / pancake.

Friday, 11 January 2019

My running streak day 124

Today I walked to the gym and exercised for an hour, then ran 4k at a comfortable pace, feeling OK. Which is good.

Here are the runners at Stromlo, last night.

Jenni and Ruth





Thursday, 10 January 2019

My running streak day 123

A cooler Thursday afternoon at Stromlo Forest Park. I ran 7k in total, including some 500m hill loops with the speedygeese, who included Paul McG, Jen, Mick H, Bron, Lisa, Jenni, and Ruth. They ran 6 x 500m loops on 5 minutes, not too hard on a cooler day. Ruth's Dave was in the vicinity, touring the trails on his bike.

The Sunday gaggle. Will I join them this week?

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

My running streak day 122

A better day today - jogged to the gym, did 60 minutes of a fit and flex strength session, then ran around Lake Ginninderra, only pausing once to avoid a large brown snake crossing the path. Total for the day, 9km.

A happy runner also avoiding snakes (Pieta)

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

My running streak day 121

Awful day - too hot to run, then a massive storm. I ran at 6pm, after the storm, a humid and uncomfortable 3k. At least I ran!

Kevin, Celina, Chloe, Jacob not running.

speedygeese race results

Westerfolds 5k parkrun #280 01 January
40 Andrew SIMPSON 22:39 M45
355 finishers

Mullum Mullum 5k parkrun #110 01 January
157 Jack SIMPSON 32:28 M11
158 Andrew SIMPSON 32:30 M45
177 Archie SIMPSON 33:33 M11
323 finishers

Tuggeranong Stakes 6k 01 January
1. Carolyne Kramar 48:00
3. Peter Thomson 44:16
4. Nigel England 29:47
5. James O'Neill 32:08
6. Michael Thompson 32:13
7. Ewen Thompson 36:43
8. Scott Marshall 31:36
12. Gary Bowen 35:50
18 finishers

Ginninderra 5k parkrun #347 05 January
26 Gavin MONGAN 23:29 M35
35 Ron VINES 24:44 M75
37 Kevin MILLER 24:50 M40
68 Debra Valerie KAY 26:40 W50
71 Michael HORAN 26:45 M55
75 Chloe MILLER 27:13 W11
164 Margaret MCSPADDEN 36:33 W70
226 Gwen VINES 46:48 W70
260 finishers

Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #308 05 January
2 Ro LEWIS 18:20 M30
8 Nigel ENGLAND 21:25 M55
119 Ricky SOMERVILLE 32:59 M50
144 Bronwyn CALVER 37:15 W45
166 Jodie DAVIS 40:45 W50
203 Suzie GYE 46:42 W40
286 finishers

Gungahlin 5k parkrun #277 05 January
19 Andrew SIMPSON 21:27 M45
49 Geoff MOORE 24:38 M70
121 Lisa MCDONALD 28:16 W40
365 finishers

Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #136 05 January
34 Craig WURTZ 23:08 M50
41 Adrian CENGIA 23:29 M45
55 David BAUSSMANN 24:34 M65
78 Pieta SMITH 26:12 W45
84 Chris GAMMON 26:32 M55
99 Elizabeth BENNETT 27:15 W55
110 Andrew SMITH 28:03 M45
129 Shareen UNDERWOOD 28:59 W35
139 Caroline CAMPBELL 29:23 W75
163 Ruth BAUSSMANN 30:22 W65
173 Jennie BLAKE 30:50 W60
179 Vanessa PALMER 31:17 W45
180 William BARLOW 31:27 M35
184 Gary BOWEN 31:39 M60
185 Cathy NEWMAN 31:42 W55
187 George QUARMBY 31:50 M60
342 finishers

Coombs 5k parkrun #43 05 January
5 Mick KONEMANN 22:14 M50
18 Isaac MUSCAT 25:58 M11
22 David CLARKE 31:13 M60
51 finishers

Mount Ainslie 5k parkrun #35 05 January
16 Louise SHARP 22:06 W35
17 Stuart DOYLE 22:44 M50
25 Giles LAMB 24:11 M45
35 Sandeep CHANDRA 25:47 M45
69 William ARTHUR 31:28 M65
133 finishers

Queanbeyan 5k parkrun #88 05 January
81 finishers

Goulburn 5k parkrun #48 05 January
78 finishers

Braidwood Showground 5k parkrun #15 05 January
25 finishers

Jindabyne 5k parkrun #30 05 January
24 Cameron CURRY 29:22 M35
48 finishers

Bowral 5k parkrun #225 05 January
62 Norma WALLETT 40:17 W85
83 finishers

Batemans Bay 5k parkrun #140 05 January
20 Amanda MCCORMACK 22:38 W35
56 Jane LILLEY 26:53 W45
92 Eliza LILLEY 30:59 W11
99 Molly LILLEY 31:58 W11
163 finishers

Gwen, Ron and Margaret.

Monday, 7 January 2019

My running streak day 120

Speedygeese Monday training resumed tonight, with two Debras (one new), one George and one Geoff, two Vanessas, one Lisa and one Jennie, and a Michael at training. I ran 12k all together, the others all ran hard in two person 290m Rose garden relays for 30 minutes.

Here we all are.

Sunday, 6 January 2019

My running streak day 119

Sunday morning and a 10k run with Andrew "S1" at Stromlo. He'll be away the next few weeks, any takers for Sunday morning company? Slow people preferred.

Andrew "S1' is not this Andrew - this is Andrew "S2". Running on Saturday.

Saturday, 5 January 2019

My running streak day 118

This morning it was too hot to race parkrun, so I ran it at Gungahlin aiming at a steady 5 minutes per km. The first km was 5:00, the rest a tad faster, and I ended up with 24:38. But it didn't seem easy all the same.

Sarah-Jayne and family, au revoir, leaving Canberra but certain to be back in a year or three.

Friday, 4 January 2019

My running streak day 117

It was already 25 degrees at 8:30am and my information was that it would reach 39 today, so I ran; 4k around the golf course; seeking shade. And it wasn't all that comfortable. Then off to do some shopping, then amusing myself at home for the rest of the day, with air-conditioning.

Thursday, 3 January 2019

My running streak day 116

Stinking hot weather - I went out to Stromlo Forest Park as usual on a Thursday anyway and met up with Brownie, Lisa and Anthony and ran 5.3k, we all did some 1km reps. I jumped out of the way of a brown snake on lap one, I jumped out of the way of a brown snake on lap two, I jumped out of the way of a brown snake on lap three, he got bolder on each lap but we didn't see him after that. I totalled 5.3k. Did I say it was hot?

Where's Kym? I am currently updating the slide show at this blog's header, one slide at a time. If you have a favourite landscape picture of yourself, send it to me. (I expect no replies and will add to the slideshow with whatever I have of you). This pic is a keeper.

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

speedygeese race results

Fingal Bay 5k parkrun #300 25 December
3 David CLARKE 19:44 M60 **New PB**
152 finishers

Mount Barker 5k parkrun #255 25 December
28 William BARLOW 24:10 M35
163 finishers

North Wollongong 5k parkrun #69 25 December
55 Cameron CURRY 25:47 M35
196 finishers

North Sydney 5k parkrun #32 25 December
108 Carolyne KRAMAR 35:55 W50
126 finishers

Centennial 5k parkrun #11 25 December
5 Bernardo PALMA 18:02 M35
215 finishers

Ginninderra 5k parkrun #346 29 December
29 Gavin MONGAN 23:30 M35
46 David BAUSSMANN 25:24 M65
84 Ruth BAUSSMANN 30:14 W65
114 Cathy NEWMAN 34:02 W55
157 Jill PEARSON 44:50 W60
186 finishers

Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #306 29 December
14 Nigel ENGLAND 20:59 M55
48 Shane WRIGHT 24:35 M45
68 Kerron CLARE 27:11 W50
75 Warrick HOWIESON 27:44 M45
78 Helen NORTHEY 27:54 W40
118 Ricky SOMERVILLE 32:08 M50
163 Bronwyn CALVER 37:19 W45
242 finishers

Gungahlin 5k parkrun #275 29 December
52 Geoff MOORE 25:31 M70
234 finishers

Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #135 29 December
46 Ron VINES 24:03 M75
81 Elizabeth BENNETT 27:50 W55
98 Gary BOWEN 29:24 M60
125 Jennie BLAKE 31:34 W60
138 Margaret MCSPADDEN 33:33 W70
172 Caroline CAMPBELL 39:09 W75
177 Gwen VINES 41:24 W70
216 Shareen UNDERWOOD 1:14:44 W35
217 finishers

Coombs 5k parkrun #42 29 December
12 Jen BRIGHT 23:50 W40
13 Isaac MUSCAT 23:51 M11
17 David CLARKE 26:05 M60
19 Ewen THOMPSON 27:19 M60
21 Pieta SMITH 28:06 W45
52 finishers

Mount Ainslie 5k parkrun #34 29 December
9 Louise SHARP 22:01 W35
10 Stuart DOYLE 22:01 M50
31 Giles LAMB 25:43 M45
38 Lisa MCDONALD 27:40 W40
40 Sandeep CHANDRA 28:31 M45
99 finishers

Queanbeyan 5k parkrun #87 29 December
65 finishers

Goulburn 5k parkrun #47 29 December
76 finishers

Braidwood Showground 5k parkrun #14 29 December
48 finishers

Jindabyne 5k parkrun #29 29 December
91 finishers

Bowral 5k parkrun #223 29 December
73 finishers

Batemans Bay 5k parkrun #139 29 December
23 Jacob MILLER 21:34 M11
35 Amanda MCCORMACK 22:47 W35
41 Kevin MILLER 23:13 M40
93 Chloe MILLER 27:17 W11
96 Celina MILLER 27:22 W40
120 Victoria HENNIG 29:59 W60
230 finishers

You Yangs 5k parkrun #108 29 December
25 Jack SIMPSON 31:54 M11
26 Andrew SIMPSON 31:55 M45
34 finishers

Victor Harbor 5k parkrun #234 29 December
69 William BARLOW 27:37 M35
175 finishers

Gungahlin 5k parkrun #276 01 January
3 Bernardo PALMA 17:56 M35
35 Louise SHARP 21:25 W35
39 Mick KONEMANN 21:35 M50
42 Giles LAMB 22:00 M45
54 Gavin MONGAN 22:18 M35
67 Nigel ENGLAND 22:31 M55
75 Craig WURTZ 22:54 M50
81 David CLARKE 23:12 M60
84 William BARLOW 23:22 M35
95 Geoff MOORE 23:39 M70
103 Kevin MILLER 23:53 M40
122 Jennifer KELLETT 24:42 W60
125 Shane WRIGHT 24:48 M45 **New PB**
134 Gary BOWEN 25:09 M60
139 David BAUSSMANN 25:16 M65
153 Jane LILLEY 25:41 W45
166 Lisa MCDONALD 26:10 W40
189 Andrew SMITH 27:07 M45
190 Pieta SMITH 27:10 W45
196 Warrick HOWIESON 27:33 M45
201 Ewen THOMPSON 27:52 M60
207 Celina MILLER 28:04 W40
241 Peter THOMSON 29:21 M55
244 Kerron CLARE 29:27 W50
246 Chris GAMMON 29:29 M55
258 Cathy NEWMAN 29:51 W55
259 Ruth BAUSSMANN 29:53 W65
272 William ARTHUR 30:29 M65
335 Carolyne KRAMAR 32:58 W50
363 Margaret MCSPADDEN 33:57 W70
364 Ron VINES 33:58 M75
413 Bronwyn CALVER 36:25 W45
512 Gwen VINES 44:19 W70
599 finishers

Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #307 01 January
4 Bernardo PALMA 18:33 M35
9 Isaac MUSCAT 19:00 M11
19 Anthony PERRY 20:52 M50
28 William BARLOW 21:39 M35
34 Chris GAMMON 22:10 M55
38 Gavin MONGAN 22:21 M35
43 Mick KONEMANN 22:28 M50
50 James O'NEILL 22:50 M50
58 Jacob MILLER 23:02 M11
65 Craig WURTZ 23:15 M50
71 Kevin MILLER 23:28 M40
79 David CLARKE 23:51 M60
109 Giles LAMB 24:58 M45
116 David BAUSSMANN 25:18 M65
125 Jennifer KELLETT 25:35 W60
126 Jane LILLEY 25:36 W45
130 Gary BOWEN 25:41 M60
161 Molly LILLEY 26:57 W11
167 Lisa MCDONALD 27:06 W40
170 Ewen THOMPSON 27:10 M60
174 Allison CHAMBERS 27:20 W30 **New PB**
183 Kerron CLARE 27:39 W50
187 Andrew SMITH 27:54 M45
190 Celina MILLER 28:10 W40
194 Warrick HOWIESON 28:25 M45
196 Shareen UNDERWOOD 28:31 W35
242 Ruth BAUSSMANN 30:57 W65
271 William ARTHUR 32:51 M65
282 Vanessa PALMER 33:33 W45
287 Chloe MILLER 33:44 W11
289 Eliza LILLEY 33:56 W11
296 Carolyne KRAMAR 34:23 W50
349 Margaret MCSPADDEN 37:57 W70
364 Jodie DAVIS 39:07 W50 **New PB**
428 Bronwyn CALVER 43:35 W45
488 Ron VINES 50:41 M75
489 Gwen VINES 50:43 W70
592 finishers

Bowral 5k parkrun #224 01 January
99 Norma WALLETT 41:27 W85
129 finishers

A few of the speedygeese at Tuggeranong on New Year's Day:

Bernardo (4th, after his 3rd at Gungahlin 2 hours earlier)

Isaac (9th)

Anthony (19th)

Will (28th with stroller)