Wednesday, 31 August 2016

speedygeese training

Spring is nearly here! Numbers will increase again at training I am certain.
There is safety in numbers, especially when one swooping magpie is encountered.

Unless you are the tallest in the group?

On Thursday 25 August Liz (new), Jen, and I trained at Parliament House: 4 x 600m with 300m recovery.

On Sunday it was just me at Stromlo and a mighty slow shuffle it was too

And on Monday at Parliament House again Ewen and I ran early, and for the main session we did an indefinite number of random hills enjoyed by Andrew, Colin, Ewen, me, Isaac, Jen, Pieta, Rae, Ruth, and Sandeep. Christopher was sighted but he seems to have missed the whole session. we finished with attrition uphill sprints won by a very speedy Isaac.

Next time - new sessions for September as the racing season approaches.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

speedygeese parkrun results August

Please note - I haven't had time to dig out results of other races in August. Will do, for next week's report.

Saturday 6 August Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #8
23 Daniel Fernandez 22:53 M40
78 Caroline Campbell 29:52 W70 **new PB**
135 Gary Bowen 59:25 M55

Saturday 6 August Ginninderra 5k parkrun #223
169 finishers

Saturday 6 August Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #180
20 Bronwyn Calver 21:58 W45
51 David Clarke 25:20 M55
137 Maya Smith 40:23 W10
138 Pieta Smith 40:24 W40
157 Peter Thomson 53:30 M55
158 finishers

Saturday 6 August Gungahlin 5k parkrun #147
130 finishers

Saturday 13 August
Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #9
32 Gary Bowen 24:01 M55
65 Caroline Campbell 30:09 W70
108 finishers

Saturday 13 August Ginninderra 5k parkrun #224
121 finishers

Saturday 13 August Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #181
40 Bronwyn Calver 24:59 W45
74 Peter Thomson 28:40 M55
163 finishers

Saturday 13 August Gungahlin 5k parkrun #148
10 Giles Lamb 20:39 M40
91 Margaret McSpadden 36:59 W65
113 finishers

Saturday 20 August
Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #10
45 Gary Bowen 24:13 M55
78 Caroline Campbell 30:04 W70
140 finishers

Saturday 20 August Ginninderra 5k parkrun #225
133 finishers

Saturday 20 August Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #182
26 Bronwyn Calver 22:53 W45
27 David Clarke 22:55 M55
34 Pieta Smith 23:13 W40
42 Peter Thomson 23:48 M55
170 finishers

Saturday 20 August
Gungahlin 5k parkrun #149
98 finishers

Saturday 27 August Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #11
24 Gary Bowen 23:46 M55
116 finishers

Saturday 27 August Ginninderra 5k parkrun #226
16 Andrew Simpson 21:21 M45
56 Bron Sparkes 25:29 W35
96 Ruth Baussmann 31:12 W65
138 finishers

Saturday 27 August
Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #183
33 Pieta Smith 22:27 W40 **New PB**
103 Peter Thomson 29:29 M55
188 finishers

Saturday 27 August Gungahlin 5k parkrun #150
103 Margaret McSpadden 36:21 W65
118 finishers

Excellent results

Monday, 29 August 2016

For fans of Alice

Song of the week - "Don't Come Around Here No More", by Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers.


Sunday, 28 August 2016

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Friday, 26 August 2016

Thursday, 25 August 2016

I'm back!

Kimberley visit complete.
Now to lose those 2 extra kilos and get back into training!

Sunset at Cable Beach, Broome

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Stretches - soleus

Soleus Stretch

  • Stand with the toes on a step, the heel off the back and the knee bent
  • Make sure you have something to hold on to before dropping the heel down carefully until you can feel a stretch
  • Hold for 20 seconds

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Stretches - Gastrocnemius

Gastrocnemius Stretch

  • Stand on a step with only the toes supported
  • Drop the heels off the back of the step, keeping the knee straight
  • Hold for 20 seconds
Variation - Perform on one leg only.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Stretches - Calf

Gastrocnemius/Calf Stretch

  • Stand with one leg far in front of the other and lean forwards against a wall
  • Keep the back heel flat on the floor
  • Bend the front leg to lean forwards and keep the back leg straight
  • Hold for 20 seconds
Variation-Bending the back knee in the same position will stretch the Soleus muscle only

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Stretches - Hamstring with partner

Partner Hamstring Stretch

  • Lie on your back
  • Lift one leg off the floor, keeping the knee straight
  • Get your partner to push it higher until you feel a stretch
  • Hold for 20 seconds
Variation: Wrap a towel or strap around the sole of the foot. Grasp the ends of the towel and pull your foot towards your head.

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Stretches - Standing Hamsring

Standing Hamstring stretch

  • Stand with one leg just in front of the other
  • Bend the back knee and rest your weight on the bent knee
  • Tilt the hips forwards as if sticking your bum in the air
  • Hold for 20 seconds

Friday, 19 August 2016

Stretches - Seated Hamstring

Sitting Hamstring stretch

  • Sit on the floor with both legs straight
  • Keep your back straight as you lean forwards through the hips
  • Hold for 20 seconds
Variation: Have the legs at a 45 degree angle

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Stretches - Hip Flexor

Hip Flexor Stretch

  • Kneel with one knee on the floor and the other foot in front with the knee bent
  • Push your hips forwards and keep the back upright
  • Hold for 20 seconds

Variation: Sit on the ground with one leg tucked under your bottom. Lean backwards slowly.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Stretches - Quads, lying

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

  • Lie on your front and pull one foot up to meet your bottom
  • Hold for 20 seconds

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Stretches - Quads, standing

Standing Quadriceps stretch

  • Stand on one leg and pull the other foot up behind your bottom
  • Keep your knees together and push your hips forwards to increase the stretch
  • Hold for 20 seconds

Monday, 15 August 2016

Stretches - side of body

Side Stretch

  • Stand up and reach above the head with one arm
  • Lean over to the opposite side
  • Hold for 20 seconds
Variation - Use both arms above the head

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Stretches - abs

Abdominal Stretch

  • Lie on the floor on your stomach
  • Place your hands on the floor at shoulder level
  • Lift your upper body away from the floor, straightening your arms
  • Keep your hips flat on the floor
  • Hold for 20 seconds

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Stretches - back flexibilty

Back Slump/Round

  • Kneel on all fours and let your back slump down as if trying to get the belly button to the floor
  • Then round the back pulling the belly button to the ceiling
  • Alternate slump/round several times

Friday, 12 August 2016

Stretches - lower back

Lower Back Stretch

  • Lie on the floor on your back
  • Bring your knees up to your chest and use your arms to pull them in further
  • Hold for 20 seconds
Variations -
  • Perform one leg at a time
  • Add internal rotation to further stretch gluteus medius

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Stretches - standing adductor

Standing adductor stretch.

  • Stand with your feet wide apart and knees straight.
  • Bend the left knee out to the side and lean to the left.
  • Hold for 20 seconds.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Stretches - adductor

Adductor stretch

  • Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet together
  • Place your hands on your ankles, or clasped as in diagram, and push down gently on your knees with your elbows to increase the stretch
  • Hold for 20 seconds

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Stretches - piriformis

Piriformis stretch
  • Lie on the floor on your back and cross the left ankle over the right knee
  • "Thread the needle" and grip the thigh of your right leg with both hands clasped together to pull the knee towards you, lifting the foot off the floor
  • Pull the knee further towards you to increase the stretch
  • Hold for 20 seconds

Monday, 8 August 2016

Stretches - glute

Gluteus Maximus Stretch
  • Lie on the floor on your back.
  • Pull your bent knee up towards the opposite shoulder
  • Hold for 20 seconds 
Note that when doing these exercises on the floor, the head should be resting on the floor or on a cushion if more comfortable, and the shoulders should be pulled down and relaxed. The lower back stays as flat as possible, which can be achieved by keeping the belly button pulled in. And remember to breathe!

    Sunday, 7 August 2016

    Stretches - hip

    A simple outer hip stretch
    • Lie on the floor flat on your back.
    • Cross the right foot over the left knee, keeping the right knee bent.
    • Use your left hand to pull the right knee across your body.
    • Hold for 20 seconds.

    Saturday, 6 August 2016

    Stretches - ITB

    The first of a series on stretching.

    This stretch loosens up the Iliotibial band.
    • Stand with the leg to be stretched behind the other
    • Lean over to the non-stretching side
    • Push the hip you wish to stretch out to the other side
    • Hold for 20 seconds

    Friday, 5 August 2016


    Stretching is so important I am going to put up a series of posts describing basic stretches. And we should all do the basics! Even I am going to try and remember to do some or all of them each day.

    Then of course there is also strengthening, building endurance, eating well, sleep, rest and recovery.

    And as well as physical health there is mental health, emotional health, spiritual health, relational health. Not forgetting financial health.

    Have a healthy and safe August!

    Having set up some advance posts on stretching, I will be away, back on the 25th. I leave you with the picture of an unlikely future. Jenny and I will be celebrating our 46th wedding anniversary on the 22nd while we are away. I don't think this would be appreciated.

    Thursday, 4 August 2016

    Real Rest

    An FB comment from Stuart: "...another, very often forgotten magic cure is rest...I mean proper rest... Just give yourself a week or two complete time-out every one in a blue moon. And I mean real time out. No cross training, no rollers, just hot baths, sleep-ins and lazy walks in the park if you're going stir-crazy...
    Sometimes your body just needs a holiday... From attention of an over-active mind (I'm speaking from experience).
    Anyway, can't hurt if done once a year or when all else is failing."

    Here we go ... 3 fabulous weeks in the Kimberley ... the tour starts in a few days' time ...

    The orange circles show the number of nights we are staying in each location ... 

    We will be at Cable Beach, Broome for two extra nights prior to all this.
    Don't worry, training back here is organised in advance, as are blog posts.
    During this time, photos of the trip will appear on my Facebook page and maybe on my instagram account as well.

    Wednesday, 3 August 2016

    speedygeese training

    Last week we had our first Thursday session at Parliament House: Colin, Dave, Isaac, Jen, Peter B2 and Susan ran 4 x 800m with 400m recovery, then 2 x 200m with 200m recovery, while I supervised and jogged around.

    On Monday 1 August it was a bit wet under foot at Parliament House, but otherwise a pleasant evening. We ran 8 x 100m hills on 90, then 12 on 80, and a 200m run at the end. Present were Bronwyn, Christopher, Colin, Isaac, Ruth and me.

    Thru August Monday and Thursday training will continue at Parliament House - even when I am away on holidays.

    Tuesday, 2 August 2016

    speedygeese race results

    Friday 29 July Customs 5k
    Peter Thomson 21:57
    David Clarke 23:59
    Bronwyn Calver 24:17
    Bill Arthur 26:35
    Ewen Thompson 27:11
    17 finishers

    Saturday 30 July Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #7
    31 Gary Bowen 24:12 M55
    50 Thea Zimpel 26:14 W30
    121 finishers

    Saturday 30 July Ginninderra 5k parkrun #222
    154 finishers

    Saturday 30 July Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #179
    6 David Clarke 18:39 M55 **New PB**
    11 Peter Thomson 20:06 M55
    27 Bronwyn Calver 22:12 W45
    37 Pieta Smith 22:56 W40
    42 Katherine Sheppard 23:50 W45 **New PB**
    137 Terrie Paul 32:15 W45
    171 Nicole Robinson 39:23 W40
    220 finishers

    Saturday 30 July Gungahlin 5k parkrun #146
    115 finishers

    Saturday 30 July YCRC Dunrossil Drive 4.2k
    19. Rohan Pitchford M50 17:58
    28. Geoff Moore M65 20:27
    29. David Clarke M55 20:32
    36 finishers

    Sunday 31 July ACTVAC handicap Little Black Mountain 9k (corrected)
    2 Nadine Morrison W45 53:08 60.6%
    15 David Webster M60 43:22 77.6
    16 Rod Lynch M55 38:41 81.3
    22 Peter Thomson M55 42:38 72.9
    25 Mick Charlton M60 59:48 56.3
    29 Rae Palmer W65 58:49 73.0
    34 Roger Pilkington M55 49:46 64.0
    39 Bronwyn Calver W45 47:03 68.4
    40 Christopher Lang M65 61:16 55.2
    59 finishers

    Sunday 31 July ACTVAC handicap Little Black Mountain 4.5k
    3 Caroline Campbell W70 38:20 57.6%
    8 Gary Bowen M55 24:15 63.4
    9 Jill Pearson W55 25:03 69.7
    18 Cathy Montalto W60 25:42 74.0
    41 finishers

    Pictures from the trail

    Monday, 1 August 2016

    We've Only Just Begun

    Song of the week: "We've Only Just Begun", by Dami Im, at

    We've only just begun to live
    White lace and promises
    A kiss for luck and we're on our way
    (We've only begun)

    Before the rising sun, we fly
    So many roads to choose
    We'll start out walking and learn to run
    (And yes, we've just begun)

    Sharing horizons that are new to us
    Watching the signs along the way
    Talking it over, just the two of us
    Working together day to day

    And when the evening comes, we smile
    So much of life ahead
    We'll find a place where there's room to grow
    (And yes, we've just begun)

    Sharing horizons that are new to us
    Watching the signs along the way
    Talking it over, just the two of us
    Working together day to day

    And when the evening comes, we smile
    So much of life ahead
    We'll find a place where there's room to grow
    And yes, we've just begun