Saturday, 30 January 2016

Today's Birthday Girl - Marie!

Speedygeese Ruth, Marie, Julia with their running bling.

Friday, 29 January 2016

The Moore boys go off to school

Townsville Queensland: Four kids settled in to school phew! Big new experiences for eldest & youngest boys - one new high schooler & one new Preppie!

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Any publicity is good publicity

For the record, I am 67 years old, and I ran my first marathon at the age of 25, and apparently I have run 14 Canberra marathons. I must have blocked some from my memory.
And I recommend ten years of training before attempting to complete a marathon!

More publicity to come on Drive, 2CC 5:40pm-ish today, and Sunday Roast, 11:30am Sunday. These are live so wish me luck.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

speedygeese training

On Sunday at Stromlo Forest Park Isaac, Jen, Dave, Andrew, Pieta & I ran long.

Then on Monday at the Yarralumla Dog Park, Thommo & I ran early, joined later by Ruth; then for the main session at a hill in Weston Park, Andrew, Dave B (new), Dave C, Diana, Ewen, Garry, me, Isaac, Jen, Thommo, Pieta, Ruth & Warrick attempted 20 sprints, from the beach.

Photos by Warrick.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Speedygeese race results

Saturday 16 January 5k Ginninderra Parkrun #194
62 Thea Zimpel 25:31 W30
97 Ruth Baussmann 28:32 W65
213 finishers

Saturday 16 January 5k Tuggeranong Parkrun #151
13 Jen Bright 19:25 W40
19 David Clarke 20:06 M55
22 Peter Thomson 20:20 M55
43 Bronwyn Calver 22:24 W45
50 David Webster 22:53 M60
341 finishers

Saturday 16 January 5k Gungahlin Parkrun #118
58 Gary Bowen 24:13 M55
205 Margaret McSpadden 1:06:25 W65
205 finishers

Saturday 16 January Kosciuszko Classic 4.7 km
33 finishers

Sunday 17 January Stromlo Stomp 11k
17 Isaac Muscat M11 1.03.10
46 finishers

Sunday 17 January Stromlo Stomp 22k
3 Stuart Doyle M49 1.43.07
4 Louise Sharp W33 1.45.44 **first female**
16 Bron Sparkes W39 2.31.59
19 William Arthur M65 2.43.25
22 finishers

Sunday 17 January Stromlo Stomp 33k
16 Peter Thomson M55 3.37.55
19 finishers

Tuesday 19 January Black Mountain Run Up 2.6 km
22 Dave Brown 26.02
25 Caroline Campbell 37.00
27 finishers

Thursday 21 January ACTVAC Track
M55 David Clarke 11:32.74 77.0%
M55 Roger Pilkington 13:35.81 65.3

M55 David Clarke 5:40.23 75.2%
M55 Roger Pilkington 6:29.05 65.8
W65 Ruth Baussmann 8:47.01 64.9

Spiral 4
3 David Clarke M55 6:11
8 Ruth Baussmann W65 8:36
13 Roger Pilkington M55 7:41
17 Caroline Campbell W70 8:24
20 finishers

Saturday 23 January 5k Ginninderra Parkrun #195
9 Jen Bright 19:50 W40
60 Bron Sparkes 24:04 W35
65 Geoff Moore 24:25 M65
82 Thea Zimpel 26:47 W30
90 Jill Pearson 27:26 W55
102 Ruth Baussmann 28:20 W65
213 finishers

Saturday 23 January 5k Tuggeranong Parkrun #152
11 David Clarke 19:42 M55
38 Bronwyn Calver 22:27 W45
254 Maya Smith 38:14 W10 **new PB**
255 Pieta Smith 38:15 W40
342 finishers

Saturday 23 January 5k Gungahlin Parkrun #119
48 Janene Kingston 24:18 W50
52 Gary Bowen 24:38 M55
58 Julia Anderson 25:29 W45
174 Margaret McSpadden 51:25 W65
177 finishers

Saturday 23 January 5k Bowral Parkrun #70
3 Peter Thomson 20:56 M55
18 Ewen Thompson 24:36 M55
80 finishers

Versatile Bron

Monday, 25 January 2016

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Spirit of parkrun - Pieta & Maya

Seven year old Maya Smith had her second parkrun with her mum - and ran a PB.
Not only that, she won her age group (under 10s)
Every parkrunner in Tuggeranong's 333 photos was smiling.

Saturday, 23 January 2016


Once upon a time I liked Firefox. I am now using the Chrome Browser exclusively.

I am also setting up a new laptop, with Windows 10. More fun and games.

Friday, 22 January 2016

Here we go again

My Marathon Times over the years, if anyone is interested
01 NSW Titles - Richmond NSW 13th 2:43.45 30.06.1973
02 NSW Titles - Richmond NSW 26th 2:50.35 28.06.1975
03 Vic Country - Benalla VIC 14th 2:44.25 15.08.1976
04 Canberra Marathon - East Basin 9th 2:50.54 20.11.1976
05 NSW Titles - Richmond NSW 8th 2:35.01 25.06.1977

06 Australian Championships - Cressy TAS 39th 2:41.06 06.08.1977
07 ACT Championships - Telopea Park 1st 2:30.24 15.04.1978
08 Commonwealth Games Trial - Point Cook VIC 9th 2:29.03 13.05.1978
09 Australian Championships - Caboolture QLD 7th 2:30.05 06.08.1978
10 Canberra Marathon - Telopea Park 1st 2:26.58 05.11.1978

11 Canberra Marathon - Telopea Park 6th 2:29.50 01.04.1979
12 Griffith - Hanwood NSW 1st 2:47.25 29.07.1979
13 Australian Championships - Perth WA 22nd 2:30.26 12.08.1979
14 Hamilton NZ 17th 2:27.42 20.10.1979
15 Canberra Marathon - Telopea Park 7th 2:28.00 13.04.1980

16 Australian Championships - West Lakes SA 27th 2:34.12 27.07.1980
17 Vic Country - Benalla VIC 4th 2:36.47 10.08.1980
18 Traralgon VIC 2nd 2:35.44 13.09.1980
19 Canberra Marathon - Telopea Park 18th 2:28.30 12.04.1981
20 Australian Championships - Werriby South VIC 30th 2:39.42 25.07.1981

21 Festival City - Adelaide SA 18th 2:46.38 29.08.1982
22 Canberra Marathon - Telopea Park 36th 2:36.25 10.04.1983
23 Festival City - Adelaide SA 29th 2:38.08 26.08.1984
24 Canberra Marathon - Telopea Park 17th 2:35.53 13.04.1985
25 Canberra Marathon - Telopea Park 25th 2:41.30 13.04.1986

26 Festival City - Adelaide SA 16th 2:38.42 31.08.1986
27 Australian Championships - Gold Coast QLD 29th 2:33.41 23.07.1989
28 Canberra Marathon - Telopea Park 5th 2:32.50 08.04.1990
29 Australian Championships - Gold Coast QLD 42nd 2:36.29 22.07.1990
30 Melbourne - Olympic Park VIC 265th 2:59.05 06.06.1993

31 Canberra Marathon - Telopea Park 111th 3:05.44 09.04.1995
32 Canberra Marathon - Telopea Park 544th 3:58.38 09.04.2006
33 Canberra Marathon - Telopea Park 189th 3:21.24 15.04.2007
34 Canberra Marathon - Telopea Park 193rd 3:18.19 13.04.2008
35 Canberra Marathon - Telopea Park 555th 3:45.21 19.04.2009

36 Canberra Marathon - Telopea Park 3:30.09 15.04.2012 on the way to 4:17.01 for 50k.

So on 10 April this year I shall attempt to complete my 37th marathon.

This Monday, 3:30pm, at the Yarralumla Dog Park before our 4:30pm pre-training run, I will be chatting with The Canberra Times and having photos taken.

Once were winners

Thursday, 21 January 2016

A week with Townsville grandchildren at Terranora NSW

Jackson Moore 12
Tyler Moore 10
Charlie Moore 8
Samuel Moore 4
Isabelle Moore 10 weeks

and we are back in Canberra with lots to catch up on.

Monday, 18 January 2016

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

speedygeese training

On Sunday Pieta, Bron, Andrew, Dave and I met at Stromlo Forest Park for our long run; I must have been dehydrated because I was suffering badly at the end of it. Next time I carry electrolyte drink.

On Monday at Parliament House it was really hot; no one ran early, very wise. For the main session we all ran 2 x 600m, 2 x 400m, 2 x 200m with a jog and plenty to drink in between each effort. The air conditioning ducts kept as cool! Participating were Ben, Caroline, Colin, Dave, David, Ewen, Garry, me, Isaac, Jen, Pieta, Rae, Ruth and Vanessa.

No Sunday run next time and I won't be able to make it Monday but training is still on. The following week, Monday 25th, we meet at the Dog Park in Yarralumla because the Parliament House area will be busy for Australia Day celebrations.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

speedygeese race results

Sunday 3 January YCRC 6k Women’s Jogalong
Nadine Morrison W45 28:44
Thea Zimpelv W30 32:38
66 finishers

Tuesday 5 January AMRA Mt Ainslie Run-Up 2.2k
22 Helen Way 20.23
23 Caroline Campbell 21.50
24 finishers.

Saturday 9 January 5k Ginninderra Parkrun #193
36 Geoff Moore 22:20 M65
43 Janene Kingston 22:52 W50
64 Bron Sparkes 23:59 W35
85 Thea Zimpel 25:21 W30
129 Ruth Baussmann 28:03 W65
230 finishers

Saturday 9 January 5k Tuggeranong Parkrun #150
21 David Clarke 20:17 M55
37 Bronwyn Calver 22:16 W45
59 Ewen Thompson 24:02 M55
310 finishers

Saturday 9 January 5k Gungahlin Parkrun #117
84 Julia Anderson 25:34 W45
90 Helen Northey 25:55 W40
253 finishers

Saturday 9 January 5k Dubbo Parkrun #27
3 Jen Bright 20:03 **W40 record**
4 Isaac Muscat 20:24
250 finishers

Saturday 9 January 5k Albert Parkrun, Melbourne # 215
43 Peter Thomson 20:40 M55
384 finishers

Saturday 9 January Crackenback Challenge
7 Stuart Doyle 24.02
10 Louise Sharp 25.55 (first female)
57 finishers

Sunday 10 January Walt Disney World Marathon
4363 Warrick Howieson 4:49.17

Lake Ginninderra Parkrun

I run to freak out all the tall young men when this short wrinkly white-haired old guy kicks away from them.

Monday, 11 January 2016

Can you hear me calling?

Song of the week: "Everywhere", by Fleetwood Mac

There appears to be a new Fleetwood Mac revival happening, and they are now just about my favourite group after all this time.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

There I go

I had a pretty average run at Ginninderra Parkrun this morning: I have been running around 22 minutes wondering why I am not improving, and today I only managed 22:20. On my standards that's not all that good.

Nevertheless I have plenty of excuses. (a) I have been stressed out the last few days, also (b) this week I resumed three gym sessions after a long break and the legs are somewhat fatigued, and (c) I wasn't feeling all that well anyway.

It can only get better. Can't it?

There was a large turnout at Ginninderra this morning, it looked like the biggest field I had seen there. Now I have found out that Gungahlin and Tuggeranong had huge turnouts too. Is it time for three additional parkruns in the Canberra/Queanbeyan region?

See next Tuesday's blog post for full results of today's runs.

Here I am hiding behind a larger runner but they caught me on camera anyway.

Friday, 8 January 2016

YMCA Canberra Runners Club Training Groups

YMCA Canberra Runners Club Training Groups

The YCRC conducts a number of training groups to assist members with their running goals. Club training groups are conducted by members who volunteer their time and expertise to facilitate these groups. All runners must be members of the YCRC and pay the appropriate registration fee.
If you are interested in finding out more or joining one of the training groups please email with your contact details and the training group you are interested in.

5K Training Group 

This Group is aimed at beginners who may not have run before or who are coming back after a long break. Its aim is to enable participants to comfortably complete the YMCA Women and Girls’ Fun Run on the 6 March 2016.
Group training will be on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings starting at the entrance to Weston Park, Yarralumla.  Members of the training group will also be encouraged to participate in YCRC club events particularly when they are unable to attend the usual morning training sessions. Any additional training suggested will be up to participants to undertake in their own time.
Registration for the training group includes; 7 week training program commencing on 19 January, mentoring from experienced walkers/runners, club t- shirt or singlet, a pre-event dinner;entry to the Women and Girls Fun Run (females only) membership of the YCRC which entitles you to participate in most Club events throughout 2016 (excluding the Half Marathon for which there is a Club discount).

Tuesday Thursday Saturday Training Group (TTS)

This training group caters for social runners of mixed ability whose training times range from 4min/km to 7.30min/km. The group meets at Lennox Gardens, Flynn Drive (near the toilet block) at 0630am on Tuesdays and Thursdays and meets at various venues around Canberra at 0700am on Saturdays.
Midweek runs go for about an hour while Saturday runs are generally longer with a coffee or breakfast afterwards at a local cafe. The atmosphere of this group is very social providing members an opportunity to train and socialise with other runners.
During autumn the TTS assists with the YCRC Half Marathon Training Group by running with the participants each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. A detailed program for the Saturday run locations is produced quarterly.

YCRC Half Marathon Training Group - Starts February 2016

Are you ready for the challenge of a Half Marathon?

If you can comfortably run 8km or you can run for about 50mins non-stop then why not set a goal for this year to run a half marathon !
Registering for this training group will help to keep you motivated, focused, supported and ready to achieve your best in the 21.1km YMCA of Canberra Half Marathon.
The training group will commence in February and costs $180 for existing YCRC members or $225 (which includes an annual membership to YCRC).

The cost includes:

• 13 - week training program
• Entry into Weston Creek Half Marathon (relay team)
• Mentoring and advice from experienced runners and past half   marathon training group ‘graduates’
• YCRC training t-shirt
• Entry into YMCA Canberra Half Marathon
• Pre race dinner with trainers & other training group participants
• The satisfaction and achievement of successfully completing the 2015 YMCA Canberra Half Marathon

If you are interested in finding out more about this training group you can email

Thursday, 7 January 2016

First marathon in four years, actually

10 April 2016 will be my first marathon in four years. 15 April 2012 was my last one, extended to 50k. Not this time. And this will be my first run on Canberra's current course. Not looking to push the pace.

I am starting to think already about how I will run it.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

speedygeese training

Sunday at Stromlo Forest Park Dave, Thommo and I ran 18-20k at a good pace.

Monday at Parliament House
Ewen, Kevin, Sandra and I ran 8k first.
Then our main session repeated last week's: 30 minutes of 600m intervals with 400m recovery, on and near the west side grass oval. Participating were Alex, Andy, Bronwyn, Colin, Dave, David, Diana, Ewen, Garry, Isaac, Jen, Kevin, Pieta, Rae, Ruth, Sandra, Vanessa and me. Some had to leave early. It was pleasantly cool. The rain stayed away.

Let's continue to enjoy longer training sessions in this cooler summer weather! It may not last.
Next Monday is forecast hot, we will run shorter (and faster?)

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

speedygeese race results

Friday 1 January 5k Gungahlin New Year Parkrun #115
10 Jen Bright 20:03 W40
11 Isaac Muscat 20:19 M11 **New PB**
12 Peter Thomson 20:21 M55
19 Bronwyn Calver 22:05 W45 **First Timer**
28 Nadine Morrison 22:59 W45
39 Roger Pilkington 24:22 M55
155 finishers

Saturday 2 January 5k Ginninderra Parkrun #192
24 Geoff Moore 22:01 M65
56 Thea Zimpel 25:47 W30
148 finishers

Saturday 2 January 5k Tuggeranong Parkrun #149
29 Peter Thomson 21:36 M55
270 finishers

Saturday 2 January 5k Gungahlin Parkrun #116
149 Margaret McSpadden 47:15 W65
158 finishers

Peter Thomson

This week
I discovered how to make "Connections" with other Garmin users in Garmin Connect. I had been using "Training Centre" up to now, chiefly because I like its "Google Earth" interface. In Garmin Connect, once I had made a few connections I noticed that you can view their connections. Which makes it easy to find people.

Of interest is Peter Thomson's Garmin record. He runs at present about 3-4 times per week, and his other entries are walks with his dog which he does daily. Walking as a supplement to running is no bad thing.

If you want to start connecting with others on Garmin connect, you can start with me. Just search my (actual) name! It would help me keep track of how you (speedygeese) are going with your training. And racing, given that many race interstate and even overseas these days.

p.s. Thommo twisted my arm so much it hurt, he is keen to have 50 "Griffins" run this year's Canberra Marathon. I have put in my entry. I hope I haven't made a big mistake!

Monday, 4 January 2016

Song of the week: Uprising

"Uprising" won the Best Single award at the 2010 Music Producers Guild Awards in London.

This will start the year on a positive, and loud, note. Turn up the volume.

A great video clip, one of the best.

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Oats, a ripe banana, one cup of tea (no milk no sugar), and a long run at a good pace

Today at Stromlo I ran 18k in 1:45, an average of 5:50 per km. This compares favourably with last week’s 17k in 1:52:30 averaging 6:27 per km, on a slightly shorter version of the same course.

FYI, I always have a cut-down version of my normal breakfast if I am running early, i.e. at 9:00am or earlier. The banana moistens the oats sufficiently; I never drink milk. A normal breakfast would also have a combination which may include walnuts, sultanas, raisins, cashews, almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, dried apple, dried apricot, and more, whatever is in the kitchen cupboard.

Here are today's map and elevation. We started anti-clockwise on the trails, and finished on the grass of Stromlo Forest Park

Reasons I had a better run than last week:
It felt cooler today.
I am on a roll: one week into my (new year's) running streak.
I had excellent company: Thommo and Dave.

It is a good feeling to be able to run long, comfortably again. And now the plan is to explore more of the West Stromlo trails next Sunday.

Friday, 1 January 2016

Two small things happening this year

Two members of the speedygeese are expecting speedygoslings this year:
Sarah-Jayne in May, and Cookie in June.

For Sarah-Jayne, this will be number three. Note the ultrasounds.

And the lovely lady herself

For Cookie, I have the following inside information, too.

It will certainly be a happy new year.

My new year resolutions: I haven't thought about it, so I will make some up on the spot:
1. do my stretching and remedial exercises 5 time per week minimum. Starting today.
2. See how long I can hold a running streak for. So far, 26 Dec-1 Jan = 7 days and counting. Start again when necessary.
3. Minimum distance to count as a run, 5k. (I will however schedule 6k on my short run days)
That's enough!

Happy New Year 2016