Saturday, 31 August 2013

Bronwyn Calver - Inductee to the ACT Sport Hall of Fame

A huge congratulations to Bronwyn. What a tremendous achievement!

Friday, 30 August 2013

YCRC news

YCRC News – 28th August 2013
1. Kingston Physio 10 Miler/5k – Saturday 31st August
2. Jogalong – Sunday 1st September.
3. Canberra Times Fun Run – Help Needed
4. Invitation to manage major events in 2014
5. Upcoming events
6. Club event managers/helpers
7. Club website new link/club administration
8. YCRC Committee
9. Winter Series – Survey of members

1. Kingston Physiotherapy & Sports Medicine Centre 10Miler/5k – 8am Saturday 31st August

The last event of our winter 2013 season will be the Kingston Physio 10 Miler on Saturday 31st August from John Cardiff Close, Black Mountain Peninsula. The 10 Miler (16.1km) is a lap of West Basin Lake Burley Griffin. The 10 Miler starts at 8am and a 5km run will start from the same location shortly afterwards. Free to YCRC members and one day registrations for all others on the day for $10 and juniors $5. Entrants in the 10 Miler must be over 16 years.

All participants in the Kingston Physio West Basin events 10 miler and 5k will be eligible to win barrel draw prizes for participants presented and donated by Craig Wisdom of Kingston Physiotherapy & Sport Injury Clinic Centre.

We are in need of a couple more helpers for this race. If you can help out, please email David Osmond at

2. Jogalong Sunday 1ST September

The Jogalong continues at Grevillea Park, East Basin Lake Burley Griffin this weekend and looks likely to stay there until 2014 due to uncompleted work in Weston Park. At 9am the 6k Jogalong commences with a non-handicap 3k. The 1.6k Mini Jog will start shortly after 9am.

3. Canberra Times Fun Run - 8th September 2013

A lot of club members run in this event. In 2013 the events are 5k, 10k and 14k. The 14k brining the Fairfax events around Australia into line with the 14k City to Surf distance.

The club has been asked to provide Fairfax with some assistance in the staging of these events. We need some club members to take on the following roles, lead car drivers (I think in your own car), lead cyclists and drink station helpers. We are hoping to provide drink station helpers and combine and share a station with the ACT Veterans Athletics Club. I will coordinate this drink station, so all I need is helpers. If you can help in anyway please let me know ASAP.

If you can spare some time to help on Sunday morning 8th September please contact me @ or SMS 0407 201 078.

Our club will receive a small payment from Fairfax for each official provided. The club sees it as very important to be involved with the major community events.

4. Invitation to manage major events in 2014

The Club conducts a number of major events during each year and is a partner in others. To do this it needs members to undertake management roles as outlined below. Please note that we do have volunteers for some positions.

5K Training Group (Feb and March) - leading up to the Women and Girls’ Fun Run, the Club runs a training program to enable participants to reach a level of fitness where they can comfortably complete 5K

Women and Girls Fun Run (6 April) – Joy Terry has agreed to be race manager for this event but she needs a small group of people to assist. This would be a great opportunity for a novice race organizer to learn what is required in such a role.

Australian Running Festival (12 – 13 April) – as a strategic partner of Fairfax, the Club assists with the conduct of this festival. We need someone to coordinate our volunteers.

YMCA Half Marathon (18 May) – We may have a race manager (to be confirmed) but this person will also need a small group to assist.

Half Marathon Training Group (Feb to May) – our most successful TG is an ideal way to prepare for the Half Marathon while assisting others to run the distance.

10K training Group (July to Sept) – Leading up to The Canberra Times Fun Run this group is for people who are already running but wish to increase how far they can run.

Although members who undertake these roles are volunteers, the Committee will provide some compensation for the use of personal resources such as transport, communications and other costs, plus out-of-pocket expenses.

If you agree to undertake one of these roles, the Committee will provide some assistance and support will also be available from corporate staff in the YMCA office for marketing, race approvals, etc.

Expressions of interest may be sent to the Club at If you would like to find out more about any of these tasks, please call Geoff on 0438 408805 or talk to one of the current committee members.

5. Upcoming Events

Memory Walk and Jog
The Memory Walk and Jog will be held on 21 September 2013 during Dementia Awareness Week.
The Memory Walk & Jog to raise awareness and much needed funds for Alzheimer's Australia.
Alzheimer's Australia ACT is the peak body representing the interests of people affected by dementia in the ACT. For more information, visit our website
More details from or phone 6255 0722

YCRC Goorooyaroo off Road Half Marathon – 7am Sat 19th Oct – more details later. Free to club members, one day registrations for all others, sign up on the morning.

RUN Y'ASS OFF Saturday October 26 2013]
Yass Runners and Elite Energy ( are hosting a 2km, 5km, 14km and Half Marathon on *Saturday October 26 2013.* Hope you can send a team and RUN Y’ASS OFF. Details at

YCRC Spring Series 2013
Our spring series 2013 will get under way with a run at 6.15pm on Tuesday 5th November (Melbourne Cup Day); the first event will not be in Weston Park as advertised due to uncompleted construction work. It will be the Stirling Ridge 5k and start near the intersection of Alexandrina Drive and Hopetoun Circuit, Yarralumla.

6. Club Race Managers/Helpers – Non- Major events

Our club holds events almost weekly during winter on a Saturday and events on Tuesday evenings during spring and summer. To do this we need volunteers to either manage events or help officiate at the events. The tasks are not onerous and assistance will be provided. If you can help please provide your details to David Osmond.

7. YMCA Canberra Administration/Runners Club Website

YCRC Members should be aware that the YMCA Canberra has moved from Sports House, Hackett to the YMCA Sailing Club, Alexandrina Drive, Yarralumla Bay, Yarralumla.

The new link for the YMCA Runners Club website is

8. YCRC Committee/Club Future etc.

This item has been left in from last week and will continue as we get closer to our Annual General Meeting. The club will be holding the AGM in the coming months and we will be looking for some new committee members. If you would like to be involved with the club please feel free to nominate, when we call for nominations. A strong and healthy club needs a strong and vibrant committee and your assistance would be most appreciated. If you need any further details please contact one of our current committee or me at our events or via email. I can certainly put you in contact with someone on the committee who can explain or help. It must also be remembered that the YCRC has the backing of the YMCA Canberra, and received great assistance from CEO Jenny McCombe and her staff in everything that we do.

9. Survey -Winter Series

Despite the best efforts of your committee to improve numbers at our winter events, numbers continue to fall. If you are interested in having your say for improving the Winter Series for next year, please fill in the survey via the link below. It should only take a couple of minutes. Note, if you are unable to access the survey location due to internet restrictions, please answer any of the following questions that are relevant to you, and email to
1. Do you prefer morning or early afternoon for Saturday Races?
2. Preferred start time for the long event (8am-2pm)
3. Preference for winter series at Stromlo Forest Park, or different locations each week
4. Course preference (road/bike path, grass or trail)
5. preferred race frequency (most weekends, or every 2nd weekend)
6. At Stromlo, do you prefer having 3 or 4 events?
7. Preferred race distances
8. Any other comments

Thursday, 29 August 2013

R for "Mo"

I only have half a mo to write my daily post so here's a joke. A runner went to see a doctor. The doctor said, “I’ve seen the results of your hospital tests, and you’re going to need an operation on your gall bladder.” “How will this affect my performance?” asked the runner, “Will I be able to run sub-3 hour marathons after the operation?” “Yes of course” the doctor replied. “That’s great!” exclaimed the runner. “I never could before”.

Anyway the next "little problem" is here and I went to the Doctor today and now have more things to take. When will I get better? Thank goodness it has been only one thing at a time. Unlike the following.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Spring has sprung

... four days early. No complaints from me.

Recent training sessions
At Dickson training last night, Rod showed up, and he ran some 300m intervals while I took an early mark.  The previous night there were eight of us enjoying the mild evening - I ran 8k early, then supervised a set of "Rose Garden" 200s on 2:30. Running were Tori, Kelley, Garry, Rae, Craig, Jen & Peter. And on Sunday Andrew and I jogged around at Stromlo Forest Park, and watched the first leg of the ACT Duathlon championships; I think Andrew liked the look of it and decided he might have a go next year.

Future Training
A heads up that all ACT Government Sportsgrounds will be closed from mid September for routine maintenance. Therefore our training sessions at Dickson and Kaleen will cease then.

I am wondering if there would be interest in a training session at Kippax, my local area, for one or two people who would commit to it, for a few months perhaps? Please discuss.

New gym.
The gym I have been attending for years has closed and this morning I joined the gym at Bruce CIT. Excellent value. Open every day and is well equipped. Thanks to Rod for telling me about it; he goes there and I even bumped into him arriving as I was coming out of there today. I ran around Bruce Ridge afterwards and that's another plus: good training venues nearby including of course the AIS.

Glad to be back in Canberra. Beautiful at this time of year.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Tuesday Results Catchup

Wednesday 24 July BBQ Stakes 6k
Andy Matthews 31:32

Wednesday 31 July BBQ Stakes 6k
Jennifer Bright 26:29
Peter Burke 27:37
Andy Matthews 30:11
Caroline Campbell 37:47

Friday 2 August Customs 5k
Jennifer Bright 20:24
Peter Burke 22:34
Bronwyn Calver 22:47
Caroline Campbell 30:47

Saturday 3 August Ginninderra Parkrun #67 5k
11 Andrew SIMPSON 19:52 M40 New PB!
56 Jill PEARSON 25:20 W55
104 Margaret MCSPADDEN 31:16 W65
119 finishers

Saturday 3 August Tuggeranong Parkrun #24 5k
124 finishers

Saturday 3 August YCRC Dunrossil Drive 4k
16. Ewen Thompson M55 18:48
27. Caroline Campbell W70 23:06
31 finishers

Sunday 4 August YCRC Women’s Jogalong 6k
22. Cathy Montalto W60 30:09
40. Caroline Campbell W70 32:52
62. Kathy Sims W60 30:17
82 finishers

Wednesday 7 Aug BBQ Stakes 6k
Jennifer Bright 27:26
Andy Matthews 28:23
Caroline Campbell 35:34

Friday 9 August Customs 5k
Jennifer Bright 20:47
Peter Burke 22:01
Bronwyn Calver 23:31
Caroline Campbell 30:22

Saturday 10 August Ginninderra Parkrun #68 5k
35 Jill PEARSON 25:05 W55
68 Margaret MCSPADDEN 29:44 W65
93 finishers

Saturday 10 August Tuggeranong Parkrun #25 5k
88 finishers

Saturday 10 August YCRC Hackett 6k
6 finishers

Wednesday 14 Aug BBQ Stakes 6k
Jennifer Bright 26:39
Andy Matthews 29:50
Caroline Campbell 36:57

Friday 16 August Customs 5k
Andrew Simpson 19:54
Jennifer Bright 20:00
Peter Burke 20:59
Caroline Campbell 27:51

Saturday 17 August Ginninderra Parkrun #69 5k
47 Jill PEARSON 24:54 W55
97 finishers

Saturday 17 August Tuggeranong Parkrun #26 5k
113 finishers

Saturday 17 August YCRC North Lyneham 6.2k
6 finishers

Sunday 18 August Alice Springs Running Festival Half Marathon
Suzie Gye 1:47.47 10th female
Susan Sturgeon 1:52.18 18th female

Sunday 18 August ACTVAC Half Marathon
M50 Mick Horan 1:40.53
W55 Maria O'Reilly 1:41.14
M40 Craig Davis 1:42:58
W55 Tori Hennig 1:48.33
M40 Kristian Pithie 1:51.19
W65 Rae Palmer 1:57.33
W70 Caroline Campbell 2:05.54

Friday 23 August Customs 5k
Peter Burke 20:47
Bronwyn Calver 23:19

Saturday 24 August Ginninderra Parkrun #70 5k
69 Margaret MCSPADDEN 29:11 W65
71 Ruth BAUSSMANN 29:14 W60
105 finishers

Saturday 24 August Tuggeranong Parkrun #27 5k
56 Catherine MONTALTO 25:29 W60
116 finishers

Saturday 24 August YCRC Campbell Park 6k
17 finishers

Sunday 25 August ACTVAC handicap Mt Taylor 7.0k
4 Mick Horan M50 32:10 73.8%
6 Kerrie Tanner W50 tba
32 Rod Lynch M50 28:01 84.1
41 Maria O'Reilly W55 34:09 83.5
45 Kelley Flood W50 34:22 77.7
53 Ruth Baussmann W60 45:32 66.7
60 Peter Burke M40 31:03 69.2
65 Margaret McSpadden W65 46:06 69.2
82 finishers

Sunday 25 August ACTVAC Handicap Mt Taylor 3.5k
3 Cathy Montalto W60 17:40 80.2%
13 Jill Pearson W55 17:39 73.9
40 finishers

Sunday 25 August Coburg Half Marathon – Kristian Pithie 1:54
Sunday 25 August Perth Marathon – Warrick Howieson 3:58
Sunday 25 August ACT Duathlon Championships Caroline Campbell first in her age group.
Suzie and Susan after the Alice Springs Half Marathon

1. There are some great results: Warrick surviving the hills of Kings Park at the end of a marathon; Jennifer running 20 minutes flat for 5k at Customs; Susan blitzing her half marathon in Alice Springs, Andrew beating Sarah-Jayne's time at Parkrun, and the list goes on!
2. There will be another race update next Tuesday.
3. Q: Which member of the speedygeese is to be a 2013 inductee into the ACT SPORT HALL OF FAME? A: Bronwyn, for cricket. Truly awesome.

Monday, 26 August 2013


Song of the week.

We were there! Along with more than a few other people.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

back into a routine

With minor variations from week to week, here is a plan:

Mondays I will jog in the morning and run at Parliament House in the afternoon, 4:30pm for an early run and 5:30pm to meet the speedygeese for a training session.
Tuesdays I will run long at Dickson at 4:00pm then meet the speedygeese for a training session at 5:30pm again.
Wednesdays I will spend an hour in the gym and then go for an easy run.
Thursdays I will meet the speedygeese at Aranda at 5:30pm. In due course that will morph into Vets track.
Fridays I will spend an hour in the gym doing circuit work, then go on another easy run.
Saturdays from next week I hope to resume running at Acton Ferry Terminal, a long run. This Saturday is a 16k race instead.
Sundays I will continue meeting the speedygeese at Stromlo Forest Park and run intervals. From 22 September this will probably be moved from 8:00am to 7:00am.
Other gym attendances are also a possibility as summer approaches.

Blogging, trying to organise better, a rough plan:
Mondays I have been saving time by posting a "song of the week".
Tuesdays I will attempt to list new race results that have come to hand.
Wednesdays I intend giving an update on our training sessions.
Thursdays I might write something.
Fridays is a chance to publicise future events.
Saturdays could be a day for linking interesting articles and posts from other sources.
Sundays could be a day to post photographs and to summarise the week.

In addition I intend developing a blog describing what we encountered during this month's holiday in FNQ!

Let's trust that injury and illness will stay away.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Canberra Times Fun Run 2 weeks away

A highlight - there is now a 14k event as well as the 5k and 10k.
The cost - the 14k costs more than the 10k. Naturally.
Entries at

Apparently we have missed the early bird entry.

 A chance to be silly.

Thursday, 22 August 2013


Just another palindrome.

Hamlet's last lines, early draft:

Rot, cadets! I - oh - drat!
Epitaph; pat?
I, petard hoisted actor ...

Another early draft

On that note, hopefully I am alive and well and celebrating our 43rd wedding anniversary at the Gold Coast with Jenny. Always a risk, a series of advance posts. We fly back tomorrow!

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

sweet sweat

Apparently exercise helps you think.
Although have you noticed, people who frequently exercise think mostly about exercise?
Think about it.

Monday, 19 August 2013

redemption's song

Song of the week: "We are the free", by Matt Redman

We’re the forgiven, singing redemption's song
There's a fire that burns inside
A fire that burns inside
Nothing can stop us
We’ll be running through the night
With a fire that burns inside
A fire that burns inside

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Saturday, 17 August 2013

flexbilty tests

I totally fail the hamstring flexibilty test. New decade resolution: fix that! See...

How about you?

Thursday, 15 August 2013

yo, banana boy!

"speedy signs"!

Panda had nap

Enjoying my holiday I expect. Away from everything.

Dubya won??? No way, bud.

Oops politics. No wait, just palindromes. That's OK then.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

how to breathe

There are many conflicting opinions about how to breathe when you run.
Just breathe naturally
Breathe in for four, out for two
Breathe in for two, out for four
Breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth
Breathe deeply to maximise oxygen intake
Breathe from the diaphragm, not the chest
.... and so on.

An article which fails to clear the air:

Here is what I know.
1. If you are training properly, most of your running is at talking pace. Just breathe naturally!

2. Whenever you think of it, practise expelling air for as long as possible. Relax the vocal cords when you do so. Use both the abdomen and the chest. Most of the air is expelled from the mouth. Then inhale as quickly as possible. You don't have to inhale for as long  a time as you exhale. The reason is quoted in the above article... the atmospheric pressure is greater than the pressure in your lungs, which means you need to push the air out to let it rush back in.” Finally, inhalation takes place via the diaphragm, which rises, and the chest, which expands; it's both,

3. If you are running hard with relaxed vocal cords you will make a lot of noise! As people tell me when we are racing. If I could talk, my response would be, golly, you don't make any noise, are you running hard enough?

And when I think of it, I practise in for two, out for six .” The more bad air exhaled, the more good air you can inhale.

Monday, 12 August 2013

black spiders

Song of the week: "Milk and Black Spiders", by the Foals.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

old photos again

Jenny a long long time ago

Jenny with baby #3.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

My latest Vetrunner article - Goal setting

Goal Setting and Delayed Gratification.
If you want to motivate yourself to train, you need to set some goals. These goals need to be realistic and achievable.

Case 1. An unrealistic goal.
A runner wishes to run a 20 minutes 6k. Maybe her friend can run that time and she has decided to get as fast as this friend. She wants to stretch herself, good, but the goal time she has chosen is well beyond her capabilities, bad. So every time she trains, if she feels strong enough, she pushes far too hard. When she competes in a race, she starts off way too fast. Because of her hard training, she makes some initial progress. But because she works so hard, her rest and recovery cycles are compromised, which means her times stop improving and it takes more and more effort to sustain what little improvement she has made. In due course, the inevitable outcome is exhaustion, burn-out, injury, and disillusionment.

On the other hand, if the goal isn’t much of a challenge, there may be reasons for the coach to suggest something a bit more difficult and long term. Perhaps the runner races all the time and has come to expect their plateau to continue indefinitely. A bit of a focus might help the runner to be training more consistently and more to a plan.

Or perhaps the runner simply has a short term outlook, without terribly much commitment.

Case 2. A realistic goal achievable straight away.
Here we have a second runner who has not broken 45 minutes for 10k and is set on achieving this. It has become her life goal. She sets out on a 16 week plan to build a decent base and to get fitness levels up; the plan is to make a sub 45 minute 10k relatively easy for her. However 4 weeks in her first time trial – which for this runner just has to be 10k – she achieves her goal, and celebrates, and promptly gives up training.

The problem here was that the runner couldn’t see that she had much more potential for improvement. If that didn’t interest her, at the very least she could have gone into maintenance mode to keep her fitness levels up until a new goal comes to mind.

Setting a specific goal like this is good, but training and racing with just the final goal as the focus is not. There is a problem if every run, just about every day, is an attempt to achieve the goal. Much better is the approach that sees each day’s run as part , an important part, of the process which will eventually lead to the goal being achieved.

Case 3. Step by step improvement.
A third runner has a goal in mind, but the focus is on what running or other training is to be achieved today. She is happy to keep on laying the foundation by following the plan day after day and being patient about achieving her ultimate goal in due course. She has faith that when the day comes it will all come together and the goal will be achieved. So she is content to work on her training and ensure that her recoveries are such that she keeps building her fitness from week to week until she is ready. And when she comes to the big test, she is fresh and confident.

I see all these behaviours in the athletes I coach. And we probably think and act like any one of these three from time to time. Try and be “Case 3”! Get a plan, check it out with and be accountable to a coach, stick to the plan, have infinite patience, and know that with good goals and a good process you can do it. Today is but a stepping stone in preparation for tomorrow.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

don't fast to lose weight!

Doc note: I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on cod!

It's a palindrome.

Do cod!

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

A Time for Everything

I have been reading. This obsession with food? For goodness sake get over it. Compulsive over-eating, compulsive under-eating? Instead just eat normal nutritious food 3 times daily, don't snack much, don't worry over food at all, if you have allergies then eat sensible substitutes, make sure you use the calories you have taken in by exercising in a variety of ways. You are made to eat a little more sometimes, and a little less sometimes. Nature has designed us for hard work at times, and rest at times, in the same way that nature has designed us for feast and famine, but not for on-going gluttony nor for on-going starvation.

1 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

I do weigh myself regularly. Why? I like to monitor my weight because a sudden change in weight, up or down, can indicate that something is very wrong. Also I guess because I collect statistics about everything.... It's the mathematician in me.

Be careful about choices. Deciding it is always better to take one particular course of action. Remember, there are seasons.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Demiregular tessellations

There are six different polygon arrangements: around vertex 1 is, around vertex 2 is, around vertex 3 is, around vertex 4 is, around vertex 5 is, around vertex 6 is We could call this tessellation / / / / /

Song of the week: "Tessellate", by Mumford and Sons.

That's a very different version!

Sunday, 4 August 2013

another old photo

My first two children. They are now 41 and 42.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

How to make your day last longer

Read full article at
I can tick all five points. Can you?
And I can add - have something each day you look forward to, so that you wake up each morning alert and expectant.

1. Keep Learning
Learning new things is a pretty obvious way to pass your brain new information on a regular basis. If you’re constantly reading, trying new activities or taking courses to learn new skills, you’ll have a wealth of ‘newness’ at your fingertips to help you slow down time.

2. Visit New Places
A new environment can send a mass of information rushing to your brain—smells, sounds, people, colors, textures. Your brain has to interpret all of this. Exposing your brain to new environments regularly will give it plenty of work to do, letting you enjoy longer-seeming days.

This doesn’t necessarily mean world travels, though. Working from a cafe or a new office could do the trick. As could trying a new restaurant for dinner or visiting a friend’s house you haven’t been to.

3. Meet New People
We all know how much energy we put into interactions with other people. Unlike objects, people are complex and take more effort to ‘process’ and understand.

Meeting new people, then, is a good workout for our brains. That kind of interaction offers us lots of new information to make sense of, like names, voices, accents, facial features and body language.

4. Try New Activities
Have you ever played dodgeball on trampolines? How about jumped from a plane or raced cheese down a hill? Doing new stuff means you have to pay attention. Your brain is on high alert and your senses are heightened, because you’re taking in new sensations and feelings at a rapid rate. As your brain takes in and notices every little detail, that period of time seems to stretch out longer and longer in your mind.

5. Be Spontaneous
Surprises are like new activities: they make us pay attention and heighten our senses. Anyone who hates surprises can attest to that.

Thursday, 1 August 2013