14 Lucia Pietropaoli 23:02 64.25%
36 Jill Pearson 26:52 65.63%
91 runners!
Being exactly 5k and a bit hilly, this would be a good course to break 20 minutes on!
Photo #1. CJ doing a CJ
There have been a few falls in recent days. CJ did this one at the Majura handicap.
Photo #2. Janene's two left feet
We have all done this sometime in the past - got the racing shoes out of the bag to find they don't quite match.
Coming Events
Week 18 of 2012:
Tuesday 1 May 4:00pm *Dickson Oval long run
Tuesday 1 May 5:30pm *Dickson Oval speedygeese training
Wednesday 2 May 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k Woden
Thursday 3 May 4:30pm *Parliament House early run
Thursday 3 May 5:30pm *Parliament House speedygeese training
Friday 4 May 12:15pm Customs 5k Commonwealth Park
Saturday 5 May 8:00am *Acton Ferry Terminal long run
Saturday 5 May 2:00pm YCRC Stromlo Forest Park 7.5k **note new time**
Sunday 6 May 9:00am YCRC Women’s 6k Jogalong, Weston Park
Sunday 6 May 12:00 noon *High Noon Meet (3000m)
* = I expect to attend
Tuesday 1 May 5:30pm *Dickson Oval speedygeese training
Wednesday 2 May 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k Woden
Thursday 3 May 4:30pm *Parliament House early run
Thursday 3 May 5:30pm *Parliament House speedygeese training
Friday 4 May 12:15pm Customs 5k Commonwealth Park
Saturday 5 May 8:00am *Acton Ferry Terminal long run
Saturday 5 May 2:00pm YCRC Stromlo Forest Park 7.5k **note new time**
Sunday 6 May 9:00am YCRC Women’s 6k Jogalong, Weston Park
Sunday 6 May 12:00 noon *High Noon Meet (3000m)
* = I expect to attend
For a low key Fun Run/Walk, I have measured a 5k course similar to the Customs Joggers 5k, except eliminating the hills at the start/finish and staying on the path at the turn. I just have to venture out with some paint one day. There is also a convenient turning point for a 3k, right where the wooden posts are before you get to Mr Spokes Bike Hire.
It starts/finishes in front of the Parkes Way underpass. The red line is the measured 2.5k. The green line is how to get to the start from the city.
This would be an easier course to break 20 minutes on - but is it exactly 5k? I only measured it using my Garmin.