Monday, 28 February 2005

What serious blog?

I am putting a sign on my door today.

"Do not disturb! (I'm disturbed enough already!)"

See you all tomorrow instead.

Sunday, 27 February 2005


To perform at your best without experiencing conditions such as over-training, overuse or burnout, follow the formula for success:

work hard + recover well = best performance

Many athletes I know work hard in training and racing, but take little notice of the second part of the formula; they do not recover well. They train too hard session after session, or they over-race, or both.

The principle of recovery is simple - the benefits of work done are only realised when proper recovery occurs. I see recovery as that part of the training where fitness improves! Hard work in training tears down; recovery builds back up, perhaps to new levels of fitness.

With good recovery practices, the athlete experiences reduced fatigue, and can cope more effectively with their workload. Recovery training is as important for an athlete’s development as is improving energy systems, strength, flexibility, form and mental skills.

Active and passive rest are significant in recovery. You need to plan for them.

Sleep is the most important form of passive rest. A good night’s sleep of seven to nine hours provides invaluable adaptation time for athletes to adjust to the physical and emotional stress of the day. Passive rest can also involve techniques such as meditation, reading, and relaxation.

Athletes undervalue active rest. The end of the training session is ideal for active recovery activities. These can help recover the athlete’s physiological state, for example, easy walking, cycling or swimming to recover the lactate system; they can focus on musculo-skeletal recovery, for example, massage, stretching and exercises to promote a return to postural efficiency; and they can focus on psychological recovery by using visualisation, breathing and meditation techniques.

Get the most value out of all your hard work! Plan your rest and recovery sessions as carefully as you do your training sessions. Always warm-down, stretch and recover properly after races! And develop a lifestyle where pressure is not just building up, up, up but where there is a proper rhythm of stress, then recovery.

Saturday, 26 February 2005

10k championship results

Not many of us attempted the 10k on Thursday; I managed to struggle around in a very slow time to complete a rare track 10k; my achilles decided to seize up again right from the start (fortunately it is much improved today!). The other results are a lot better as you can see below. Conditions were steam-bath humid so no records were going to be set, that is for certain.

M55 2nd Ken Eynon 43:42
M55 3rd Geoff Moore 44:58
M65 1st Tony Booth 46:53
W35 1st Amanda Walker 47:17
W55 1st Margaret McSpadden 55:01

Kevin Matthews and Maureen Rossiter were the winners of the Daniels Series, both with big runs in the last race to clinch the series.

I will award Kevin and Maureen the chocolate frog awards for the week - after all I am the handicapper, so I am really the person they beat!

Friday, 25 February 2005

The Wall

The Wall - click on me for enlargement.

Thursday, 24 February 2005

Running Stride Length and Stride Frequency

This article was in the Vic Masters November 2004 News and Results newsletter ( And forwarded to me by Colin.


All serious runners should be interested in how stride length and stride frequency changes with increased speed, and how these change with increased age. A better understanding will indicate what may need to be worked on or improved in your particular case. This can lead to improved speed and/or greater running economy.

Stride Length and Frequency for Distance Runners
At the 1984 Olympics Jack Daniels Ph.D. investigated the stride length and frequency of male and female runners for distance events from 800 metres to marathon. “The fastest turnover rates were among the 800 metre specialists, and the next were the 1500 metre runners, but from the 3000 meters on up to the marathon there was little-variation in turnover rate.” “The women took only a few more steps per minute than the larger men who had much longer strides.” For the 3000m and longer distances with nearly constant turnover the slower speeds are accomplished by shorter strides. In these distance events nearly all runners have a turnover rate of near 180 to 190 steps per minute. Also at my local YMCA I checked the steps per minute of five different runners going at different but moderate rate speeds and all were within a step or two of 180 steps per minute. For a given long distance runner the turnover is essentially the same within a few percent whether the pace is racing at five minutes per mile or training at above six minutes per mile. If turnover is low such as about 160 steps per minute for some beginners, it is beneficial to change with practice to 180 steps per minute.

Competitors in the middle distance events have considerably longer strides and the turnover may be up to about 220 steps per minute or 110 strides per minute.

For distance runners to increase speed it is more productive to work on increasing stride length than frequency. Increased frequency will result in greater energy usage compared to increased stride length. My experience running in the deep end of a pool confirms the above. In pool running a longer more powerful arm and leg motion is about six percent faster than a rapid arm and leg action. (Note in pool running as in land running the arms drive the legs.) Or alternately, to achieve the same speed as in the long powerful arm action, with the faster arm action—the fast arm action is more tiring. Similarly, in swimming the stroke length is more important than stroke frequency: a more powerful arm stroke will result in more speed with less energy than an increase in stroke rate.

Stride Length and Frequency for Sprinters
For sprinters, as running speed approaches maximum, frequency changes more than stride length. A maximum stride length is achieved and then further speed is achieved by increase in frequency of turnover. Hence to increase speed, sprinters need to work on both stride length and frequency.

Effect of Ageing on Stride Length and Stride Frequency
Dr. Nancy Hamilton of U of Northern Iowa investigated the effect of ageing on running form by video taping runners at the Masters meet in San Diego and the World Masters Championships in Eugene both in 1989 (Journal of Applied Biomechanics, vo!9, p 15-26, 1993). She compared the biomechanics of fast and slow, and older and younger athletes. From computer analysis she learned of ways to preserve specific aspects of running form to slow down the decline in running speed with age.

The following are some of Hamilton’s significant findings for runners:
1. “Stride rate dropped off only a small amount, not statistically significant, after age 55.
2. Runners in their 80’s had only 4 to 5% slower stride rates than 35 year olds.
3. Stride length of 35-39 year olds had stride lengths of 4.72 meters compared with 90 year olds of 2.84 metres - a 40% decline. (Note one stride = two steps.) Stride length declined after age 40.” Similarly for walkers: with increasing age, stride rate stays nearly the same but stride length (gait) decreases drastically.

Hamilton’s Conclusions
She concluded the decline in stride length and velocity was due to the following in order of importance:
1. “Range of motion of hips during backward motion of the support leg decreased 38% between the ages of 35 and 90. This was most significant after age 50. [I call this “decline in toeoff angle,” i.e., the angle between the back leg and the ground at push-off. ]
2. Range of motion of knees during swing phase or forward return of leg decreased 33% (from 123 to 95 degrees) between the ages of 35 and 90. This was most significant after age 60. [I call this “decline in knee flexion angle.”] With increased age there was increased time spent in the support phase, or time spent in contact with the ground.”

Recommendations to Reduce Decline in Toe-Off Angle:
• A strong thrust at toe-off also involves powerful calves, quads, hip flexors, gluteus muscles, and ankles. Weight train these areas once or twice per week. Also daily stretching of these areas is essential. One leg squats are recommended to develop mainly the quads, and glutes, but also the hamstrings.
• To strengthen glutes in particular lie on stomach with legs stretched out; raise one straight leg about 0.3 metres at your foot, and lower to floor. Do 3 sets of 10 reps daily.
• Strengthening the hip flexors will result in a higher knee of the return leg before touchdown. This in turn results in a more powerful toe-off thrust and a longer stride.
• Leg swinging exercises will result in more flexible hips. I have always been a big advocate of flexibility of the hips to assist running form and economy.
• The lunge exercise is very useful to increase the toe-off angle. Ensure that the back lower leg is parallel to the ground to achieve a great stretch of the hip flexor muscle. Toe raise exercises will result in a for more powerful toe-off

Recommendations to Reduce Decline in Knee Flexion:
Ideally the knee should be well flexed during forward return so the foot is near the buttocks. This results in a short lever with the center of gravity of the leg close to the pivot point -the hip. Hence the effort to swing the leg forward is much reduced resulting in a fast return of the leg to the front.
• Lighter shoes will assist a faster return since rotating a heavy object at end of a lever particularly a long one (as in a 90 degree bent knee) is harder work.
• Stretch the quad, hip flexor and hamstring muscles daily. The butt kick drill should be done regularly.

Recommendations to Reduce the Contact Time During Support Phase
• The usual recommendation is to dorsiflex the foot (flexed upwards) before it strikes the ground. This also assists to have the foot land under the center of gravity (c. of g.) and helps prevent some possible braking by landing slightly in front of the c. of g.
• The running ABC drills and plyometrics will assist to reduce contact time. Plyometrics, particularly one legged, will build strength and coordination in the foot, ankle, shin, calf, thigh, hip, and will activate the central nervous system as well. With the drills practiced regularly it is possible to save about 0.01 per step. For example, this is a saving of over one minute in a 10K race or one second in a 200-metre race.
• Pilates exercises regularly will improve hip and knee mobility

The following typical fast movements: fast feet drill and fast arms drill, punching bag drill, and fast moving of weights will help preserve the neural pathways and the fast twitch muscles. This will also result in faster reaction times.

Some Further Useful Exercises
The following will assist stride length and stride frequency:
• Running uphill fast will enhance the dorsiflection of the feet and increase knee lift while building leg strength.
• Running downhill fast or running fast with a strong wind at your back will increase turnover. For all runners, strength and flexibility and reaction time are essential, to increase or maintain stride length and stride frequency. But for distance runners a greater oxygen capacity will assist to a greater extent than the above three. This is why elite runners are able to maintain long strides at reasonable frequencies at high speeds-making it look easy. Their superior oxygen uptake allows for the additional energy required for a continuous smooth longer stride. The anaerobic threshold runs, VO2max intervals and long aerobic runs improve the distance runner’s aerobic capacity, which in turn allows for a longer stride.

Earl Fee: Author of “How To Be A Champion from 9 to 90..” Articles from “The Canadian Masters Athletic Association - MASTERPIECE - Summer 2004 No. 130

Wednesday, 23 February 2005

The next few weeks' training venues

This Saturday 26th February at noon will be the final training at Cook oval. And I remind you that Sunday 27th's handicap run at North Curtin is at 8:30am.

North Lyneham continues to be the meeting place on Monday 28th February, as well as Mondays 7th and 14th of March.

There is no training on Monday 21st March, being the Canberra Day holiday, and no training on Monday 28th March, being the Easter Monday holiday.

Monday night training resumes at Parliament House on Monday 4th April. An announcement about Thursday night training in April will be made soon. (Are there any suggestions about a good well-lit grass track we can use on Thursdays? If there are none we will stay at Dickson.)

Tuesday, 22 February 2005

Après warm-up le déluge

Wasn't training fun last night? Muggins here decides the running bit can wait while we practise our starts. A sizable minority rebels and heads off into the wild gray yonder, soon to experience at first hand the full sound and fury of the storm when it hits. The rest of us line up to demonstrate that we already know how to sprint up hill from a standing start without taking a backward step. In no time we are racing over the hill to our cars. In the end, the only backward step is taken by Colin halfway up the hill: he turns back in the drenching rain and shouts to Amanda, "give me the keys!".

By the way, many people have quoted Louis XV who, on his deathbed, said "Après moi, le déluge". Notable among them is Roger Bannister, when he became the first person to break the four minute mile.

Another quote I like is Mark Twain's "It is better to be silent and thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." Nevertheless I continue to write this dribble!

Monday, 21 February 2005

Veteran club member makes the front page of the Sunday Times.

Nick Farley (in the yellow shirt), a new member of the ACT Veterans Athletic club, featured on the front page of yesterday's Sunday Times. Say hi to him when you see him at the track next! He is an organ recipient, and I understand he joined the Vets so he could train and practise for the Transplant Games.

Sunday, 20 February 2005

Our training group's results from last Thursday night track.

M40 1st Ken Gordon 2211 points
M45 1st Kevin Matthews 2623 points
W30 1st Jenny Langton 1824 points
W40 2nd Gabrielle Brown 1337 points
W45 1st Vicky Matthews 1503 points
W50 1st Maureen Rossiter 2131 points
Colin Farlow 59.39
Ken White 61.79
Jill Brown 80.02
Cory Collins 85.13
Consie Larmour 101.70
Colin Farlow 10.10
Geoff Moore 11.29
Ken White 11.41
Kevin Chamberlain 11.42
Neville Madden 11.56
Maria O'Reilly 11.58
Tony Booth 12.32
Kathy Sims 12.48
Amanda Walker 13.21

Saturday, 19 February 2005

Simple Training Principle number 2325.


“If You Always Do What You Always Did You Always Get What You Always Got”

Friday, 18 February 2005

New group photo taken last Monday - thanks Ewen!

Hi Annemarie. You went home early from training and missed out on being in the group photo! What a shame!

Thursday, 17 February 2005

Progress points Daniels sprint series

Not that anyone who competes in the Daniels sprint series will read this post; nevertheless Sherpa is not available at present, and even if it were, it is unable to produce the following information, an aggregate of the best six scores.

Daniels Point Score after seven rounds; one round to go.
1. 211 Kevin Matthews (6 RUNS) low points 25
2. 210 Jim White (7) 31
3. 199 Michael Roche (6) 20
4. 185 John Burns (7) 26
5. 179 John Donovan (6) 11
6. 164 Leo Kennedy (5)
7. 158 Jack Thackray (5)
8. 132 Nick Blackaby (4)
9. 130 Dion Devow (5)
10 125 Ray Bramwell (4)
11 117 Alan Norden (4)
12 110 Craig Edwards (4)
13 108 Ken Gordon (4)
14 99 Michael Rutter (3)
15 84 Don Fraser (4)
16 77 Andrew Hart (3)
17 68 Colin Burns (3)
18 62 Martin Crowe (2)
19 57 Robert Barbaro (2)
19 57 John Payne (3)
21 40 John Suiter (4)
22 39 Garry Maher (1)
23 35 Rad Leovic (1)
23 35 P P Davies (1)
25 30 Peter Cullen (1)
26 29 Ken Telfer (1)
27 26 Matthew Hardy (1)
28 25 Richard Faulks (2)
29 19 Patrick Stakelum (1)

1. 211 Maureen Rossiter (7 RUNS) low points 20
2. 162 Sue Dowling (7) 0
3. 153 Jayne Hardy (5)
4. 118 Jill Brown (4)
5. 117 Vicki Matthews (4)
6. 79 Marlene Reid (3)
7. 53 Carmen Carlon (1)
8. 41 Val Chesterton (1)
9. 29 Penny Paabo (1)
10 10 Jennifer Krevatin (1)
11 1 Sharon Gibbins (1)

Wednesday, 16 February 2005


In next month's Vetrunner magazine there will be a GREAT article entitled "Two Generations." (Of course I only say "great" as I authored the article).

It includes an attempt at a "Vets Alphabet", similar to the "Cockney Alphabet", which some of you pretend you don't understand, but which others of you will find amusing.

A very obscure entry in my "Vets Alphabet" is the last entry, "Z for RELLIE", which all members of this training group should be able to figure out.

It is meant to sound like "Zeffirelli", the restaurant we adjourn to every couple of weeks after racing at the track to get those carbohydrate levels up again.

Anyone is welcome to join us, "no booking necessary". We usually arrive between 9:00pm and 9:30pm. One of the things I like about the restaurant is, they are willing to stay open late on a Thursday night and serve us, even when other customers have left and the staff are cleaning up.

So the remaining dates for this pleasant social get together at Zeffirelli, Belconnen are
Thursday 17 February. i.e. tomorrow.
Thursday 03 March (1500 Pennington day), and
Thursday 17 March (5000 championship day & last track meet)

See you there!

Tuesday, 15 February 2005


"Security remains an expensive business with Federal Parliament paying more than $2 million for US-made bollards to restrict access to the Parliament House forecourt.

"That's just part of the work, with installation of concrete barriers around the building now well under way.

"For those who regard the white plastic barriers in front of the parliament building an eyesore, there's some good news.

"Senate President Paul Calvert told a Senate estimates committee they would be gone by the end of May.

"He said it could have been sooner, but he decided a $150,000 charge for air freighting of replacement bollards from the US could not be justified. They will now travel by ship.

"Senator Calvert said they had tried to buy Australian, but the locally made bollards weren't up to specifications while those made in the US exceeded them.

"For $2.264 million, parliament gets 38 that are manually retractable and 170 that aren't."

- today's Canberra Times
It's where we train on Mondays in winter. So we will still have to put up with the picket fence - and with works in progress - when we resume there in April.

The article also says the grass around the sides is not being watered and will be replaced once the drought breaks.

So we can wear out a track and pound along the grass to our heart's content.

Monday, 14 February 2005

February Jogalong results

With a scarcity of track results available this week, nothing published yet, here are some jogalong times from last week. Consie was closest to a pb, that has to earn this week's chocolate frog award!
Carol Ey 28.49
Kathy Sims 28.56
Annette Sugden 29.26
Rae Palmer 29.35
Cathy Montalto 30.00
Helen Larmour 30.08
Annemarie Calnan 30.41
Mary Ann Busteed 30.23
Charmaine Knobel 30.52
Carolyne Campbell 31.50
Consie Larmour 39.01

Sunday, 13 February 2005

What is Success?

The Macquarie Dictionary defines success as 1 The favourable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavours; 2 The gaining of wealth, position or the like; 3 a thing or person that is successful.

What is success? Is Macquarie on the right track here? I say NO.

I prefer to think of success in terms of the journey, not only the destination.

My definition would include - having set achievable goals, showing focus and commitment by working industriously towards achieving the goals.

What do you think?

Saturday, 12 February 2005

"The wear pattern on your running shoes
suggests that you watch too much TV."

Friday, 11 February 2005

Lisa Wilson interview from latest Vetrunner.

Remember to come to training this Monday - Ewen will be bringing his camera for more group photos, to put up on this site.

This month's Vetrunner has an interview with Lisa. I reproduce it here. Given the current lack of access to Vetrunners on-line.

Lisa powering along! (Click on the photo to enlarge it. Now who could that be warming up in the background?)

Lisa Wilson has progressed in just two years from being a good local W35 runner, to becoming an outstanding race walker. On 19 April 2004 she completed a 20k walk in 1:55.51, and on 23 April walked 50k in 5:23.08, which was not just an Australian W35 record but a new Australian open record as well. Both walks were at the World Masters Non-Stadia Championships in Auckland, and both resulted in gold medals.

Based on these and other performances, on 2 December Lisa was awarded the ACT Masters Sports Star award for 2004. The award’s scope is ALL sports, not just athletics, and includes both men and women, not just a separate women’s award.

I interviewed Lisa to see if I could get an insight into her achievements.

Geoff Moore: When did you start in Athletics?
Lisa Wilson: I started in 1984 at High School, and joined the Werribee Women’s Athletics Club in Victoria. The 800 and 1500 were my main events as they did not offer longer events,

GM: What other sports have you played?
LW: I have done gymnastics, soccer, some basketball, judo, and later some swimming with AUSSI Masters. Of these soccer was the most serious, I played competitive women’s soccer for six years.

GM: What made you interested in running?
LW : The 1984 Olympics, and also Rob de Castella’s performance in winning the World Marathon.

GM: What kind of coaching did you get in those days?
LW: General club coaching, a couple of times a week at the local track. Helen Steadman was the main influence on me – she was a Victorian Veteran 800 metre champion in the W35s at the time and had me doing interval training. In addition I would do my own training around the suburbs at Hopper’s Crossing.

GM: How did you get into walking?
LW: Only last season at the Vets when my achilles was getting a bit sore from running, I entered a walk just for fun. Denis Strangman the walking coach thought I didn’t have a bad style, so he encouraged me, told me I had natural ability, and got me to go in walking races. With my achilles injury I would have been right out of the scene if I hadn’t taken up walking.

GM: You were out of sport for a long time since your school days. What got you back into sport after the long break you had from it?
LW: I would never have got back into sport without the jogalong and Vets. My first goal was to be competitive in Vets. After my second child I started back training in May 2002 and joined your training group in September so I could break 50 minutes in the Canberra Times Fun run. Then I started running on the track. Before 2002 I hadn’t run properly since 1991. I was always interested in running and I had made a couple of unsuccessful attempts to get back into it.

GM: What makes a good race walker?
LW: The ability to put up with the judging! You must be able to rise above the issues of what people say about your style; judges, colleagues in the sort, your fellow competitors, armchair critics.

GM: How have you managed to overcome such criticism?
LW: I generally disregard it. And when I walked in Auckland there were six Olympic judges – and I didn’t get one warning or caution! So I know that I can be confident that my style is acceptable.

GM: What are your goals for this year?
LW: To concentrate more on the 20k and reduce my time by ten minutes by the end of the year. This would bring me close to 1.38, qualifying for the world cup team (where five are chosen) and for the Commonwealth Games (three are chosen). As there are about six walkers in contention, the World Cup team is a more realistic possibility.

GM: Then what about running? Do you have any plans to get back into running?
LW: Yes, I have just resumed some running training. I plan to get serious about running in twelve to eighteen months, provided my walking goals have been achieved. I will move up to longer races, I believe I am more suited to distance.

GM: What events do you like best?
LW: The 20k walk is the most enjoyable.

GM: What motivates you to compete?
LW: I love winning, and I love doing PBs. I get a feeling of elation when I have tried really hard and done my best.

GM: But five hours is an awfully long time to be racing? How hard was it? What was the first hour like? The last hour? How do you maintain concentration for so long?
LW: It was not hard at all. I went out conservatively, and all these European men were with me, Italian, German, Russian. I couldn’t speak their languages but we kept together for the first thirty kilometres until I broke it up by having a toilet stop. I still ended up ahead of all but one of them. They helped me along psychologically, they were very helpful, even letting me go around corners first, and we worked together well. Also the atmosphere on the day, and all the support along the course, were a great help. My husband Donald was there to cheer me on and help out with food and drink. It felt like I was in Europe; my husband told the Italian wives of some of the walkers that I was half Italian so they started cheering me on too.
The last ten k was good because the judges were being nice, being positive, telling me I looked better than when I started. I felt very good because I knew I was going to make it. And other walkers were falling apart, but I wasn’t.

GM: When competing in such long races, do you maintain a focus on form, speed, relaxation etc – or do you try to think of other things not related to your performance?
LW: In the past I used to think of other things. Now I focus on form, I try and focus on the walk. I learned from watching the Saville sisters walking, to look straight ahead and concentrate on the walk.

GM: Would you like your children to be athletes when they grow up?
LW: Only if they like it, if it makes them happy

GM: What’s been the most fun?
LW: The last three years with the Vets. You can be as serious or as relaxed as you like and it doesn’t matter. The only pressure is what you put on yourself.

GM: Are there any other highlights you would like to mention?
LW: One of the judges at the Masters wrote and said I had potential to be a pioneer in Women’s 50k walk. And then, getting an invite to walk in a 20k walk in Malaysia, where there were 10,000 competitors. I was third woman home, behind two internationals. Good prize-money! And the walk at the Gold Coast that I won, that was a buzz too.

GM: What are your feelings about getting the Sports award?
LW: Honoured and surprised and very pleased.

GM: What are your current interests outside of athletics?
LW: Getting into a new career – I have just been accepted into UC for a Bachelor of Education in Primary Teaching. And of course my children

GM: What advice would you give people wanting to take up race walking?
LW: That’s a hard question – I would say, get a coach who knows what they are talking about. John Fitzgerald, who was a coach at the AIS last year, was very helpful. It’s a lot of hard work.

GM: Congratulations again Lisa, and thank you for answering all these questions!

Thursday, 10 February 2005

"That's it! You're putting your feet down much more delicately now!"

(click on cartoon to view full size)

Canberra Half Marathon 2005 Training Group

From the Cross Country Club website -
The Canberra Half Marathon 2005 Training Group is aimed at novices who would like to undertake a half marathon training program.Program starts on 12 February with an information session on 9 February. Further information can be found HERE.
Contact Dave Hobson email or 6258 2676.

Wednesday, 9 February 2005

Vets site goes off line!

Unprecedented! Access to the ACT Vets website has been withdrawn. If this outage continues, I hope someone knows how to retrieve all the valuable data owned by the club which is kept on the site!

Tuesday, 8 February 2005

Women's running in Canberra is booming.

People may not know it, but our ACT chief minister Jon Stanhope was one of the people responsible for launching a women's only event, the jogalong, in Canberra many years ago.
When it first began, the race used to start at Deek's Drive, and years later the start was moved to Deek's Forest Park, although the run was on roughly the same course down to the river and back in Stromlo forest.
After the bushfires of January 2003, the venue moved to its present location at Weston Park.

Our training group has many women members who are regular participants in the jogalong. Here are their Personal Best times for the Weston Park course only. I have included Carol Ey because she used to be part of the group way back in time!

01 Maria O’Reilly 24.52 Sept 2003
02 Carol Ey 25.06 Oct 2003
03 Kathy Sims 25.58 Mar 2003
04 Annette Sugden 26.14 May 2004
05 Michelle Wells 26.36 May 2003
06 Rae Palmer 27.11 May 2003
07 Cathy Montalto 27.17 Sept 2003
08 Helen Larmour 27.24 Sept 2004
09 Annemarie Calnan 27.47 Sept 2004
10 Mary Ann Busteed 28.06 June 2003
11 Charmaine Knobel 28.53 May 2004
12 Gaby Brown 30.11 Sept 2004
13 Margaret McSpadden 30.21 Aug 2003
14 Carolyne Campbell 30.36 Sept & Oct 2003
15 Clare Gunning 30.58 Nov 2004
16 Alison Sims 32.16 Nov 2004
17 Mandy Chew 32.36 May 2004
18 Philippa White 32.41 Sept 2004
19 Amanda Knobel 33.03 July 2004
20 Marian Blake 33.50 June 2003
21 Consie Larmour 38.03 June 2004

Helen last spring - we welcomed Helen back from her travels abroad at February's jogalong.
Over two hundred women and girls competed in the three jogalong events on Sunday. A great turnout, indicative of how good this event is, and how well it is organised. I will publish some times for that event here.... when they become available.

Monday, 7 February 2005

Competitions are fun

At last! I have just worked out how to combine text and photos. Pretty obvious really! I just post a photo, then edit the post, adding in the text.

This photo was taken at the end of November 2004 and shows the placegetters in the Thomas handicap series that month - Geoff (3rd), Roy (first), and Caroline (2nd). I couldn't believe how Roy had beaten the handicapper AGAIN! Well done Roy, I hope 2005 is just as successful a year for you.

Yesterday four members of our training group (Ken Gordon, Kevin Mathews, Michael Rutter and Colin Farlow) were one of three teams in the Open 4 x 400m National Club Relay (or whatever it was called). They ran about 3:50 so it was outside their record of about this time last season on a sweltering day. Unfortunately, one runner, who shall remain nameless (hint: also our most experienced runner), was disqualified for running outside his lane!

Sunday, 6 February 2005

Telling Tales about the Teacher

Geoff was my first and only running coach. For the first 10 years I was self-coached and managed to make every mistake possible. Things like deciding to run a marathon less than a year after first stepping out the door and jogging around the block. Was I crazy or what?!

My first run with Geoff’s group was on Sunday 9 September 1990 in Stromlo forest. I tagged along with the group and we ran the Corkwoods ‘17k’ run in 75:54. You can’t do that run anymore as they’ve bulldozed the track near the Aquarium. One of the runners that day was Elaine Cooper who was to eventually hold a world age-group record in the 2000m steeplechase. I said in my diary ‘the last 5k with Elaine and Geoff was quick’.

The day before I’d run the Powerhouse 10k in 38:05 but I was becoming frustrated as my race times were not improving. I ran a few more Sunday runs with Geoff’s group and then asked if he would coach me. This was in the days when Geoff provided one-on-one coaching. He asked about my goals which were to run faster times from 1500m to 10k.

Geoff worked out a plan for the next 3 months which included what do on every day of the week. My first track session was on the grass track (now the Raiders training ground) at Bruce TAFE. I was amazed at the long warm-up run – 5km around the Eucalypt Trail! Sadly, you can’t do that run anymore as it’s been bulldozed. After warming up, strides and stretches the group ran 3x1000m leaving at 10 minute intervals. Starting times were handicapped so we would all finish at the same time. I ran 3:17, 3:17 and 3:18 and then we all ran a 2km warm-down.

With Geoff’s help I ran 8 PB’s in 1991 ranging from 1500m through to the Half Marathon. One of these was a 36:33.8 for 10000m at a Vets track meet on 14 November. These days I’m not quite so serious about my own running and am happy to be self-coached. I very much enjoy social aspect of the group training that Geoff now provides – especially the Monday night sessions at North Lyneham and Parliament House. See you tomorrow!

Saturday, 5 February 2005

Result - Telstra A Series 800 Vets Handicap

The Telstra A Series Vets handicap over 800 metres today featured a very strong run from recently turned 50 year old Phil White who, following his record breaking sub63 400 hurdles last Thursday, managed to hold out John Morton down the straight to narrowly win. A feature of the race was, despite the winds down the back straight, almost all runners ran season's best times. Times below have been adjusted for the starts which means that Rad Leovic's is exact and all the others are rough. Colin Farlow was the first finisher from our training group, and Ken, Maria, Kathy, and Charmaine all did well and are pleased with their runs.

1 Phil White M50 2:11.52
2 John Morton M45 2:07.74
3 Damain Rutledge M35 2:03.27
4 Colin Farlow M40 2:09.05
5 Garry Maher M55 2:24.78
6 Ken White M50 2:20.50
7 Geoff Sims M55 2:25.63
8 Andrew Endall M40 2:15.54
9 Craig Wisdom M45 2:22.01
10 Maria O'Reilly W50 2:46.96
11 Maureen Rossiter W50 2:47.30
12 Kathy Sims W50 2:57.97
13 Rad Leovic M75 3:25.83
14 Charmaine Knobel W50 3:08.10
15 Ellen Lloyd W35 3:02.06

Friday, 4 February 2005

Thursday, 3 February 2005

This weather is a joke!

Joke? No, this is a joke -
Two hydrogen atoms walk into a bar. One says, "I've lost my electron." The other says, "Are you sure?" The first replies, "Yes, I'm positive..."

On Sunday we suffered at Campbell Park, then on Monday we were running around North Lyneham, both in extreme heat and humidity, knowing that at least we were acclimatising for Canberra's February heat for important races, and now look at it! Freezing cold, rain, threatening snow on the ranges. Bbrrrrrr! It's a joke!

So is this.
Two aerial antennas meet on a roof, fall in love and get married. The ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent.

Wednesday, 2 February 2005

This site - how to add a comment

Anybody can add a comment to this page. The process is - decide which post you wish the comment to be added to. Go down to the end of the post and you will see a comment count (e.g. "- posted by geoff @ 8:54 AM 0 comments"). The last (blue) part is a link to any comments. In fact, anything in blue in (my) blog is some kind of link. Click on the link and just the post and its comments (if any) appear. now you can see at the end another link - the words "post a comment" in blue again. Click on it!
Then if you are registered as a blogger user you will be able to add a comment under your registered name. Otherwise I (in my blog again) allow anonymous comments; in which case please put your name in the comment text so we know who you are. It should be plain sailing from there.

The way this is structured - there are three "entities" - comments; posts, and the blogs themselves. A comment is what I hope you will now have no problem adding. A post is what I add (daily) and gradually I am sending "invites" to others to join, as "contributors", which if they accept means they will be able to add posts. Finally, a blog is the whole thing, an on-line journal thingy on a particular topic or whatever you want it to be. And you or I can create additional blogs for other purposes with other interest groups or just personal ones, e.g. an on-line record of one's training.

Finally, if you are keen to originate posts on this blog, I can add you sooner rather than later to the list of contributors. Just let me know!

Tuesday, 1 February 2005

Testra A Series

This Saturday 5th February from 2:20pm to 7pm the Telstra A Series will be held at the AIS Athletics Field at Bruce. Come along and see Australia's best athletes in action . Patrick Johnson, Daniel Batman, Matt Shirvington, and Joshua Ross in the 100m; Tatiana Grigorieva in the Pole Vault, and local stars Lauren Boden, Zoe Buckman, and Brandan Galic.
I will be helping organise the ACT Veterans 800 handicap at 2:47pm, immediately before the main events start at 3pm.